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July 6, 2021

Washington Update

WateReuse Association Secures Wins in House-Passed INVEST Act

WateReuse Members Testify in Support of Investment in Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects

Action Needed: Help Keep Water Recycling a Top Priority by Taking Action Today!

House Appropriations Committee Passes EPA Funding Bill

WRAP Update: Listening Sessions Held for Rural Community Water Reuse

National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) partners, including the U.S. EPA, WateReuse Association, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Rural Water Association, and American Water Works Association, held two virtual listening sessions in support of WRAP Action 8.5. Information gathered through these listening sessions will inform next steps for this action, specifically expected training sessions and potential assistance opportunities. Communities participated from all over the U.S., including California, Florida, Colorado, and Washington.

These listening sessions centered around why rural communities are interested in reuse, what some of the rural challenges are to implementing water reuse projects, and what types of support are most helpful to address these challenges. Topics discussed included project financing, regulatory uncertainty, and workforce requirements. Please contact Heather Strathearn (hstrathearn@watereuse.org) if you are interested in getting involved in this action.

State Updates and Member Profiles

Section Spotlight: Bay Area Recycled Water Landscape Guide Released

WateReuse California (WRCA) is pleased to announce the release of a Bay Area guide to using recycled water on landscapes: “Irrigating San Francisco Bay Area Landscapes with Recycled Water.” The guide is an easy to use 20-page document that includes a plant list for the Bay Area. WRCA hopes its Bay Area members will use the guide by posting it on their websites and making it available to their customers. The primary author of the guide is Nelda Matheny, who is a senior consultant with HortScience. Eric Hansen, formerly with Silicon Valley Clean Water, helped initiate and manage the project. Support for the development of the guide came from the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and a number of individual agencies in the Bay Area. The guide is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Bahman Sheikh, who provided numerous editorial reviews. Learn more.

FL: New Law Eliminates Non-Beneficial Surface Water Discharges, Paving the Way for More Potable Reuse

After passing unanimously in both the Florida House and Senate, SB 64, Reclaimed Water was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis last week. Under this legislation, utilities will submit plans to the Department of Environmental Protection by 2032 to begin “eliminating non-beneficial surface water discharges” by treating the water to drinking water quality standards. The Florida legislature recognizes that “sufficient water supply is imperative to the future of the state and that potable reuse is a source of water which may assist in meeting future demand for water supply.” Read the bill.

FL: DEP Launches New One Water Website to Provide Education on Recycled Water

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) launched a new website, One Water Florida, to provide transparent and accurate information on the safety and need for potable reuse in the state. WateReuse Florida successfully advocated for the development of potable reuse regulations as part of its work with the Potable Reuse Commission and has worked collaboratively with state regulatory authorities on potable reuse outreach. The One Water Florida website notes that recycled water is part of Florida’s state plan to ensure future water supplies and protect the environment. It includes information on recycled water projects and quick facts on recycled water in the context of Florida’s environmental and regulatory landscape. Visit the One Water Florida website.

SC: Facility Upgrade Allows Ridgeland to Recycle Water for Agriculture and Environmental Restoration

The Town of Ridgeland recently celebrated the launch of an upgraded water reclamation facility that will allow the community to treat up to 1.6 million gallons of wastewater per day and reuse it to irrigate agriculture and augment environmental flows. The $10 million upgrade to the Jimmy Mixson Water Reclamation Facility, made possible by grants from the South Carolina Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, positions the town for growth. Read more.

TX: New Law Requires TCEQ to Develop a Potable Reuse Guidance Document

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will soon begin developing a regulatory guidance manual to explain the TCEQ rules that apply to potable reuse as directed by Senate Bill 905, signed into law by Governor Gregg Abbott in June. WateReuse Texas members worked to impact and shape the bill to help agencies better understand the process for permitting potable reuse projects in the state. The bipartisan legislation does not create new rules or permitting. Read more.

VA: Recycled Water Could Bring Data Centers to Warrenton

The Planning Commission in the Town of Warrenton has identified recycled water as a key solution for attracting data centers that would provide a revenue boost for the community. The commission is in talks with representatives from Amazon and a proposed ordinance would require the use of recycled water for cooling, reducing the impact on local water needs and providing resiliency for the data center. Warrenton’s Planning Commission is interested extending Virginia’s recycled water “digital gateway,” which includes WateReuse members Loudoun Water and Fauquier County Water and Sanitation. Read more.

WA: Quincy Partners with Microsoft to Open Industrial Reuse Facility

The City of Quincy opened the Quincy Water Reuse Utility (QWRU) last week, which treats water used in Microsoft’s data centers and returns it to them for cooling. The closed-loop system, funded in part by Microsoft, includes 10 separate treatment facilities. The QWRU is expected to save 390 million gallons of water per year.  Read more.

Member Resources and Benefits

Profiles in Reuse: Flyer Showcases Benefits and Opportunities for Industrial Reuse

Do you need to introduce a new customer to the concept of industrial reuse or find innovative examples? The WateReuse Association’s latest Profiles in Reuse flyer, Industrial Reuse, outlines the benefits of industrial reuse, makes the business case for industry to invest in water recycling, and presents brief case studies that illustrate the many ways in which businesses across the U.S. rely on water reuse to operate. The flyer is designed to introduce new audiences to the concept of industrial water reuse. View and download flyer.

Interactive Map on State Water Reuse Policies and Regulations

Do you need information about water reuse policies and regulations from across the United States? Visit the state policy map on our website to find summaries of the regulatory landscape in key states, as well as links to specific polices and regulations. Clicking on a particular state opens a pop-up window with detailed information about the state. WateReuse invites members to help us fill in gaps in knowledge using the comment box provided on the page. The map will be updated periodically as new information is received and/or states update their regulations. View the state policy map here.

Conferences, Webcasts and Events

Join Us for Arizona Water Reuse 2021 Symposium

Join WateReuse Arizona and the AZ Water Association for the Arizona Water Reuse 2021 Symposium, July 25-27, 2021 at the Little America Hotel in Flagstaff, AZ. The program begins Sunday evening with the annual welcome reception followed by two days of sessions on the latest trends in water reuse. The Symposium also includes scholarship and awards luncheon, as well as a reception at the Arizona Snow Bowl. Learn more and register.

Building a Resilient Future Together: Register for the 2021 WateReuse California Annual Conference

Registration is open for the 2021 WateReuse California Annual Conference and there are two ways to participate! Participate in-person September 19-21 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Los Angles or join virtually from the comfort of your office. In-person registration includes access to the on-demand, virtual content. The program will include 48 technical sessions, seven panel presentations, two tours, and many networking opportunities. For those who do not wish to attend in person, all major sessions will be simulcast, and technical sessions will be available on the virtual conference platform. Learn more and register.

WRAP Webcast: Multi-Agency Water Reuse Programs: Insights in Interagency Collaboration

July 7, 2021
11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)

Join our panel of experts for a lively discussion of lessons learned through a year-long effort to interview and document the work it takes to bring multi-agency water reuse projects to fruition. The webcast will cover the lessons learned by key regional projects and share insight on governance, regulations, economic and financial barriers, technical and operational issues and leadership.  Register here.

Webcast: Discussion on Desalination – Treatments, Research, and the Future

August 11, 2021
11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)

In this webcast, a panel of experts from the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and CalDesal will discuss the state of desalination in the United States. The panel will explore current practices, technologies, treatments, on-going research, and the future role of desalination in the resiliency of the country’s water supply. You will also learn about NAWI’s research and development roadmap series on desalination and treatment of nontraditional source waters. Register here.

Save the Date: 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium in San Antonio, Texas

ark your calendar for the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium to be held March 5-9, 2022 at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas. The 2022 Symposium will be our first national conference with an in-person component since 2019! This is a not-to-be missed opportunity to learn about the latest trends in water recycling and network with colleagues in person.

Upcoming Events

Arizona WateReuse 2024 Symposium @ Little America Hotel
Jul 28 – Jul 30 all-day
WRCA Agricultural Reuse Committee
Jul 30 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse
Aug 6 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse

11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)
This webcast is free of charge.
PDHs: 1

Register Now!



This webcast, co-hosted by the U.S. EPA, will present the key outcomes of an expert workshop that sought to understand how the permitting process can better support innovative water resource management solutions, such as water reuse. The webcast will detail five characteristics to support a permitting process that is not a painful hurdle, but rather an opportunity for mutual creativity between regulators, regulated entities, and the engaged public. Webcast participants will learn about how this framework can be applied to their unique circumstances, work being done by EPA and partners, and how innovation can be better facilitated through permitting.



  • Justin Mattingly, Water Reuse Program, U.S. EPA
  • Michael Kiparsky, University of California, Berkley 
  • Dave Smith, Water Innovation Services 
  • Felicia Marcus, Stanford University
WateReuse California Legislative-Regulatory Committee Meeting
Aug 9 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]


Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.


The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.


Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:


1. January 19 – in person

2. March 8 – virtual

3. March 22 – in person

4. April 12 – virtual

5. May 10 – in person

6. May 31 – virtual

7. June 21 – virtual

8. August 9 – virtual

9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)

WRCA Los Angeles Chapter Meeting
Aug 13 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Our next meeting will be on August 13th  at Hyperion Treatment Plant in Playa Del Rey.

Please RSVP by Friday, August 2nd by filling out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/tkAibX4HnB.

WateReuse Texas Board Meeting
Aug 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Orange County Chapter Meeting @ Moulton Nigel Water District
Aug 15 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Central Valley/Sierra Foothills Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 all-day

Joint Meeting with Northern California chapter, time and location TBD.

Northern California Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The meeting will be May 17 at Mitchell Park Community Center 3700 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto. The topic is Commissioning, Operations and Compliance perspectives and we will have presentations from:

  • Steven Garner, Director of Certification for AWWA Cal-Nevada will be presenting what it takes to get an AWTO Certification for purified systems
  • Vincent Gruffat and Brandon Jacka, Engineer and Operations Managers for Natural Systems Utilities (NSU) will be presenting the perspectives from operating Onsite non potable water systems
  • Derrick Mansell, Operations Manager of Orange County Water District will be presenting the challenges and lessons learned from operating the world’s largest IPR system
Pacific Northwest Section Meeting
Aug 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

Join Today