National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Water Systems
The National Blue Ribbon Commission advances best management practices to support the use of onsite non-potable water systems within individual buildings or at the local scale. We are committed to protecting public health and the environment, and sustainably managing water—now and for future generations.

Learn more about the commission’s goals, principles, research, and policies in the National Blue Ribbon Commission Fact Sheet.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s headquarters includes an engineered wetland system located in the building’s sidewalks and lobby that treats wastewater and reuses it for toilet and urinal flushing.
Onsite non-potable water systems represent a significant opportunity to transform the way water is managed. For example, onsite water systems can reduce potable water use by approximately 25% in residential buildings, and up to 75% in commercial buildings.
In support of this goal, the Board of Directors of the WateReuse Association adopted a set of principles in 2019 to guide the association’s advocacy and engagement on alternative sources of water supply. The policy recognizes the role of onsite non-potable water systems in a community’s overall water management program. WateReuse also partnered with the National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems in 2019 to support more widespread adoption of onsite non-potable water systems.
The National Blue Ribbon Commission announced their commitment to accelerate the development of onsite non-potable water systems in March 2016 at the White House Water Summit. The Commission was established to craft model state policy and develop resources for the safe, practical, and sustainable implementation of onsite non-potable water systems. Chaired by SFPUC, the Commission represents 15 states, the District of Columbia, the city of Vancouver, and the city of Toronto, and is a coalition of public health agencies and water and wastewater utilities. The NBRC has made significant research contributions and continue to advance policies and regulations for onsite water reuse.

Review the documents prepared by the commission and other resources for developing onsite non-potable water reuse programs in your community.
Meet the Commissioners

The National Blue Ribbon Commission is a coalition of public health agencies and water/wastewater utilities advancing the safe, practical, and sustainable implementation of onsite non-potable water systems.