WateReuse Florida
Florida is recognized as a national leader in water reuse. Water recycling is an integral part of wastewater management, water resource management, and ecosystem management in the state. Approximately 884 million gallons per day of reclaimed water were used for beneficial purposes in 2020. In addition, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is currently engaging in rulemaking to ensure proper regulation for implementation of potable reuse programs in the state.
Profile in Reuse: Florida
Florida’s first water reuse system began operating in Tallahassee in 1966. Today, Florida has more than 380 systems supplying more than 900 million gallons a day of beneficial reuse. Reclaimed water is used to irrigate over 6,000 acres of edible crops, over 500 golf courses, and for more than 1,000 schools and 500,000 residences. It is also used for industrial purposes such as cooling towers and power plants.
Check out WateReuse Florida’s Profile In Reuse with simple facts, figures, and case studies – and share it with everyone from policymakers to students.
Learn about Recycled Water in Florida
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) hosts a website, One Water Florida, to provide transparent and accurate information on the safety and need for potable reuse in the state. The One Water Florida website notes that recycled water is part of Florida’s state plan to ensure future water supplies and protect the environment and includes information on recycled water projects and quick facts on recycled water in the context of Florida’s environmental and regulatory landscape.
Recycled Water: Florida’s Future (Florida DEP)
The Safety of Recycled Water (Florida DEP)
Framework for the Implementation of Potable Reuse in Florida

The Potable Reuse Commission Report is the result of a two-year, extensive, consensus-based effort by water professionals and a diverse stakeholder group. The report provide lawmakers, policymakers and regulators with sound strategies to overcome obstacles and address challenges to potable reuse. The Potable Reuse Commission, chaired by WateReuse Florida, is comprised of representatives from utilities, public health sector, agriculture, business, and environmental groups.