WateReuse Texas
The Texas section of the WateReuse Association was formed in 2005 to support the ever increasing focus on water reuse and desalination to supplement and diversify the water supplies in Texas. WateReuse Texas strives to promote the responsible stewardship of Texas water resources through education, advocacy and research related to water reuse and desalination by supporting the efforts of the WateReuse Association.
Noelle George, Managing Director
Texas Profile in Reuse
Water has been reused for agricultural irrigation in Texas since the 1800s, and for industrial uses since the 1940s and 1950s in Odessa, Big Spring, and Amarillo. Today, reclaimed water is used for a wide range of purposes including power plant cooling, commercial and municipal irrigation, river and stream flow enhancement, natural gas and oil field production, augmentation of drinking water supplies, and more.
WateReuse Texas was formed in 2005 to support the ever-increasing focus on diversifying the water supplies in Texas through water reuse. Our mission is to empower Texas communities with resources to embrace water recycling as the cornerstone to safe, resilient, accessible, and sustainable water management.
Check out the WateReuse Texas Profile In Reuse with simple facts, figures, and case studies – and share it with everyone from policymakers to students.
WateReuse Texas Research Studies
Through the efforts of our Research Committee, WateReuse Texas has funded four collaborative studies to develop deliverables or provide evidence that will promote reuse in Texas.
Development of a Decision-Making Framework for Adoption of Onsite Water Reuse at the Municipal Scale
October 2017 – December 2018
WRTX Funding Provided: $28,750
Project Manager: Michael E. Webber, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Goal: Develop a decision-making framework that municipalities can use in their water planning efforts to encourage adoption of onsite water reuse facilities.
Project Location: Austin, TX
Testing Water Quality in a Municipal Wastewater Effluent Treated to Drinking Water Standards
August 2013 – December 2016
WRTX Funding Provided: $25,000
Project Manager: Eva Steinle-Darling, Ph.D., P.E.; Carollo Engineers, Inc.
Goal: Increase confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the facility’s DPR applications and to draft guidance for improved DPR process monitoring at a reasonable cost. Indirect and direct potable reuse are a safe and viable alternative for producing potable water in Texas.
Project Location: Colorado River Municipal Water District’s Raw Water Purification Facility, Big Spring, TX
Optimizing Selection of Filtration Pretreatment and Chemical Oxidant for UV AOP in Potable Reuse Applications
June 2015 – July 2016
WRTX Funding Provided: $23,000
Project Manager: Michael J. Watts, Ph.D., P.E.; Garver
Goal: Identify the true pre-treatment requirements to generate efficient UV advanced oxidation of wastewater micropollutants.
Project Location: Cypress Water Treatment Plant, Wichita Falls, TX
Evaluating the Potential for Direct Potable Reuse in Texas
August 2012 – March 2015
WRTX Funding Provided: $50,000
Project Manager: Ellen McDonald, Ph.D., P.E.; Plummer Associates, Inc.
Goal: Develop a resource document to assist in future implementation of direct potable reuse projects in Texas.