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November 18, 2019

Washington Update

Mark Your Calendar for Capitol Hill Visits during Water Week 2020

Continuing Resolution to Maintain Funding for Water Recycling Programs as FY 2020 Negotiations Continue

House and Senate leaders have agreed to pass a second continuing resolution (CR) to keep the Government running until December 20. Congress uses CR’s to extend current federal funding levels when it is unable to reach an agreement on new funding levels for the upcoming fiscal year. The current CR expires on November 21. The House of Representatives will vote on the bill this week, and the Senate is expected to do so shortly thereafter, assuming the bill passes in the House. Under a second CR, Congress would have another month to negotiate funding levels for defense and non-defense spending for the remainder of FY 2020, which began on October 1. For a full breakdown of where funding stands for key water reuse programs, see our previous reports. 

WateReuse Continues Work on National Water Reuse Action Plan

On September 10, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft of its National Water Reuse Action Plan, and began to solicit feedback through a public comment period, which closes on December 16. WateReuse recently held a meeting with our water sector association partners to discuss the Action Plan, its implementation, and opportunities for collaboration moving forward. We continue to work with WateReuse members and our Policy Committee to develop comments ahead of the December 16 deadline. Members may also submit individual comments through the public docket (docket number EPA-HQ-OW-2019-0174). 

State Updates and Member Profiles

California: Palo Alto and Valley Water Partner on Recycled Water

WateReuse Association members the City of Palo Alto and Valley Water are moving forward with a regional recycled water deal in which Palo Alto will desalt its wastewater and ship it to Valley Water for reuse throughout Santa Clara County. While Palo Alto currently receives water supplies from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the deal will give Palo Alto a backup source of both potable and non-potable water from Valley Water. The terms of the agreement, which is supported by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is set for a city council vote on November 18. Read More.

California: WateReuse California Seeks Nominations for Awards of Excellence

WateReuse California is accepting nominations for the Annual Awards of Excellence, which will be presented during a ceremony at the 2020 California Annual Conference in San Francisco, March 15-17, 2020. The awards recognize agencies, customers, and individuals that have demonstrated exceptional leadership in advancing water recycling in California. Award nominations are due January 10, 2020. Learn More.

Florida: Manatee County Tests Treatment to Improve Reclaimed Water Quality

WateReuse Association members Manatee County Utilities and the Southwest Florida Water Management District are pilot testing a treatment technology aimed at reducing nutrients in reclaimed water. The pilot program will treat 1 million to 1.5 million gallons of the 8 million gallons of reclaimed water a day delivered from Manatee County. The pilot will test biochar filtration to meet Florida’s advanced wastewater treatment standards. Read more.

WateReuse Customer Communications Tools and Resources

How Can You Offer Recognition to Your Recycled Water Customers? Participate in the Recycled Water User Network

Are you interested in recognizing recycled water customers as community water stewards or offering an incentive for new customers to come onboard? Participate in the Recycled Water User Network, a members-only network for businesses, governments, and not-for-profit organizations that use recycled water, including customers of water utilities and organizations that recycle water onsite. The network gives businesses, governments and nonprofits that use recycled water the opportunity to receive a green designation, Water StarTM, and access to information and resources on recycled water. Learn More.

Conferences and Events

Green Building Professionals Learn about Onsite Water Reuse

Incoming WateReuse Association Board of Directors member Paula Kehoe of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission discussed onsite water reuse at GreenBuilder 2019, a conference hosted by the U.S. Green Building Council. The session focused on the drivers, practicable understanding, and resources for design and monitoring of onsite non-potable water systems and how these projects relate to LEED water efficiency credits. The session also highlighted the work of the National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Non-potable Water Systems, which includes a guidance manual and training materials. Read More.

Closing the Water Loop with NEWater: The Story of Recycled Water in Singapore

Singapore, a small densely populated island nation, has made international headlines with its innovative NEWater, a high quality purified water produced using advanced membranes and ultraviolet technologies. Please join us for a webcast on November 20 at 4:30 pm PST for an in depth presentation on Singapore’s NEWater. Two engineers will join us live from Singapore to discuss R&D efforts and strategies implemented to overcome various operational challenges. Register Now.

Upcoming Events

Arizona WateReuse 2024 Symposium @ Little America Hotel
Jul 28 – Jul 30 all-day
WRCA Agricultural Reuse Committee
Jul 30 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse
Aug 6 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse

11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)
This webcast is free of charge.
PDHs: 1

Register Now!



This webcast, co-hosted by the U.S. EPA, will present the key outcomes of an expert workshop that sought to understand how the permitting process can better support innovative water resource management solutions, such as water reuse. The webcast will detail five characteristics to support a permitting process that is not a painful hurdle, but rather an opportunity for mutual creativity between regulators, regulated entities, and the engaged public. Webcast participants will learn about how this framework can be applied to their unique circumstances, work being done by EPA and partners, and how innovation can be better facilitated through permitting.



  • Justin Mattingly, Water Reuse Program, U.S. EPA
  • Michael Kiparsky, University of California, Berkley 
  • Dave Smith, Water Innovation Services 
  • Felicia Marcus, Stanford University
WateReuse California Legislative-Regulatory Committee Meeting
Aug 9 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]


Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.


The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.


Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:


1. January 19 – in person

2. March 8 – virtual

3. March 22 – in person

4. April 12 – virtual

5. May 10 – in person

6. May 31 – virtual

7. June 21 – virtual

8. August 9 – virtual

9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)

WRCA Los Angeles Chapter Meeting
Aug 13 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Our next meeting will be on August 13th  at Hyperion Treatment Plant in Playa Del Rey.

Please RSVP by Friday, August 2nd by filling out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/tkAibX4HnB.

WateReuse Texas Board Meeting
Aug 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Orange County Chapter Meeting @ Moulton Nigel Water District
Aug 15 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Central Valley/Sierra Foothills Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 all-day

Joint Meeting with Northern California chapter, time and location TBD.

Northern California Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The meeting will be May 17 at Mitchell Park Community Center 3700 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto. The topic is Commissioning, Operations and Compliance perspectives and we will have presentations from:

  • Steven Garner, Director of Certification for AWWA Cal-Nevada will be presenting what it takes to get an AWTO Certification for purified systems
  • Vincent Gruffat and Brandon Jacka, Engineer and Operations Managers for Natural Systems Utilities (NSU) will be presenting the perspectives from operating Onsite non potable water systems
  • Derrick Mansell, Operations Manager of Orange County Water District will be presenting the challenges and lessons learned from operating the world’s largest IPR system
Pacific Northwest Section Meeting
Aug 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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