WateReuse Association Announces Virtual 35th Annual WateReuse Symposium
Washington Update
HEROES Act Provides Assistance to Aid Low-Income Customers
EPA Issues Guidance on Addressing Water Quality Challenges as Buildings Reopen
During this time of extended building closures, EPA has provided guidance and associated checklists on how public water systems, building owners, building managers and businesses can minimize water stagnation. EPA issued the guidance documents in building water quality to aid businesses and communities as they re-open. EPA urges state and local health officials to share this information to ensure public safety when reopening commercial buildings. Read More.
Awards and Recognition for Water Reuse
Nomination Period for WateReuse Awards for Excellence Opens August 1
Water Sector Seeks Applications for Utility of the Future Today Recognition Program
State Updates and Member Profiles
Welcome New Members!
The WateReuse Association welcomes the following new members:
California: Study Finds Water Conservation and Reuse Need to be Planned in Tandem during Drought
A new University of California, Riverside study finds that water conservation during times of drought can negatively impact the ability of utilities to produce recycled water, a key source of water. Researchers tracked average monthly effluent flows and salinity levels throughout periods of droughts at 34 Southern California utilities to understand the impact of water conservation efforts on reuse. The findings highlight the necessity of holistic planning in providing secure water supplies for the future. Read More.
Florida: Annual Water Reuse Week Promotes and Encourages Water Recycling
The Florida water reuse community is celebrating Water Reuse Week, May 17-23, with community engagement and education on conserving and augmenting Florida’s water resources. WateReuse Association members across the state have issued resolutions formally recognizing Water Reuse Week. WateReuse Florida will host a webcast on Wednesday, May 20, Water Reuse – An Operational Discussion, to highlight important issues in water reuse operations and treatment. Since 2007, the State of Florida, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, water management districts, water utilities, local governments, and WateReuse Florida have declared the third week in May as “Water Reuse Week” to promote and encourage efficient use of reclaimed water.
Member Spotlight: Brown and Caldwell’s Melanie Holmer Explains How Innovations in Urban Water Reuse Bolster Water Supply Reliability
Brown and Caldwell’s Water Reuse Leader, Melanie Holmer, shares how one water planning for urban water cycles can maximize water supplies. Using water reuse as a tool, urban communities can utilize non-potable and potable reuse to protect and replenish water supplies. Holmer speaks to how One Water planning spurs innovation and challenges planners and engineers to recognize the value in water. Read More.
Global Spotlight
India: Think Tank Highlights Water Reuse and Recycling to Address India’s Water Demand
The Centre for Science and the Environment (CSE), a think-tank based in Delhi, recommends more decentralized treatment with a focus on water reuse and recycling options to address both water scarcity and pollution. In India, only 22% of wastewater is treated highlighting a need for a paradigm shift. CSE’s study framed India’s water demand stress in the context of the coronavirus and identified the need to re-think water and sewage management throughout the country to meet needs. Read More.
Research Spotlight
The Water Research Foundation Announces New COVID-19 Research Effort
To spur research in environmental surveillance of COVID-19 indicators in sewer sheds, The Water Research Foundation will release Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) and seek funding partners to accelerate research in three key areas:
- Interlaboratory and Methods Assessment
- Stability of Genetic Signal in Wastewater Matrix
- Impact of Storage and Pre-Treatment Methods on Signal Strength
The Water Research Foundation is actively seeking partners to leverage its investment in this research, and anticipates posting the first RFQ in the coming weeks. Read More.
WateReuse Communications Tools and Resources
Understanding Potable Reuse: New Video Educates Public Health and Medical Community
The WateReuse Association’s video, Understanding Potable Reuse: A Safe and Sustainable Supply, discusses the science-based treatment processes that are used safely in communities around the world. In the video, experts from academia, public health, and utilities discuss the value of engaging with the medical community and including discussions of water in public health education. The video was produced as part of the WateReuse Public Health and Medical Community Initiative.
Conferences and Events
Register for the 2020 WateReuse California Virtual Conference
Join WateReuse California for an easy to navigate, virtual conference experience beginning June 24-25 from the comfort of your office or home office. The conference will include more than 50 technical presentations with audience Q&A and handouts, live and interactive panel discussions, an interactive sponsor and exhibitor hall, and a virtual cocktail party reception. Kristin Peer, Deputy Secretary and Special Counsel for Water Policy at Cal EPA will give a keynote presentation on COVID-19 Challenges and California’s Water Resilience Portfolio. Sessions will be presented on June 24 and June 25 and continue to be available for viewing until July 31, 2020. Register Now.
Explore New Heights in Reuse: Registration Opens June 1 for the 35th Annual WateReuse Symposium
Webcast:EPA Expands Research on COVID-19 in the Environment
Join EPA scientists on May 27 at 2 pm ET to learn how EPA is collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to expand research on COVID-19 in the environment. Among other projects to be presented, the webinar will include information from EPA researchers studying whether SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in wastewater. Register Now.
Upcoming Events
Angel Lacroix
Too many emails, not enough?
Update your email communication preferences from WateReuse NV here: https://forms.office.com/r/kH2FeBmCYg
Calling Reuse Communicators!
You are invited to join us for a conversation about water reuse communications in the Pacific Northwest. The success of reuse projects in the PNW hinges on community support which is only made possible through effective communication. Join other WateReuse communications professionals and advocates from the Pacific Northwest for a workshop to share your experience and support effective communication in the region.
What: Join us Wednesday, September 11th at City of Boise City Hall starting at 8:00 AM with an opportunity for networking and donuts. We will get to know each other, spend some time discussing gaps and opportunities for communication in our region, and take the beginning steps toward aligning on common terminology and language. We will explore communication opportunities and gaps in the region and align on stakeholders and language.
- DONUTS, COFFEE, Introductions/ Networking Icebreaker
- Gap Identification—“What do you need to be effective?”
- Terminology Round table
- Subcommittee solicitation/ call to action
When: Wednesday, September 11th 8:00- 10:30 AM
City of Boise City Hall
150 N Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702
Please RSVP to Natalie Monro (nhnida@cob.org) by September 5th. Thank you!
2024 WateReuse California Conference
Garden Grove, CA
September 15-17, 2024
The WateReuse California Annual Conference welcomes over 700 water professionals for three days of networking, technical sessions, and panels on the most pressing water reuse issues in the state. The conference includes the Annual California Reuse Awards of Excellence ceremony and much more.
Add to Calendar
Join us for our annual chapter mixer which will be held Sunday, September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. The event will be held at Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Company, right across the street from the conference hotel in Garden Grove. This event is always one of our chapter highlights of the year and is a great opportunity to connect.
Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]
Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.
The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:
1. January 19 – in person
2. March 8 – virtual
3. March 22 – in person
4. April 12 – virtual
5. May 10 – in person
6. May 31 – virtual
7. June 21 – virtual
8. August 9 – virtual
9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)