Coming Soon: WateReuse Awards for Excellence Nominations Open Mid-September
The 2022 WateReuse Awards for Excellence nomination period will open in mid-September and accept entries through Friday, October 22, 2021. The awards program recognizes individuals, organizations, and partnerships that have made significant contributions in support of greater adoption of water reuse. Award recipients exhibit leadership in water reuse education, advocacy, technology, and/or implementation, showcasing innovative approaches that others can follow.
WateReuse encourages all members to submit a nomination. The 2022 WateReuse Awards for Excellence winners will be announced at the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium in San Antonio, TX in March 2022. For more information on the awards, please contact Erin Carr at
Washington Update
Debate Opens on Bipartisan Infrastructure Package in Senate, including Water Recycling
Keep the Momentum Going: Help Keep Water Recycling a Top Priority by Taking Action Today!
House Moves on Minibus Spending Package Including Water Reuse Priorities
Deadline Approaching: Please Share Your Facility Data to Quantify Municipal Reuse in US
WateReuse Association members are invited to complete a survey (approximately 90-120 minutes) as part of a national Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) effort to document the amount of water that is recycled in the United States. Under WRAP Action 5.5, Quantifying the National Volumes of Water Potentially Available for Reuse, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is preparing an update to the 2018 ReNEW Water Project’s Resource Recovery Baseline Report. This report documented resource recovery at water resource recovery facilities in the U.S. and Canada through a combination of data analysis and survey responses from utilities. WateReuse, EPA, and WEF are co-leading Action 5.5 and the update of the ReNEW Water Project is the first milestone. The survey will close August 9 at 11:59 pm ET. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Patrick Dube ( at WEF.
State Updates and Member Profiles
Welcome New Member!
The WateReuse Association welcomes the following new member:
- Renewable Water Resources (South Carolina)
Member Spotlight: Cape Coral’s New Operations Building Will Increase Recycled Water Resiliency
The City of Cape Coral, Florida recently began construction of the new Southwest Water Reclamation Facility operations building, which produces up to 15 million gallons of recycled water for irrigation each day. The $15.6 million operations building is designed to withstand a category four hurricane, adding increased resiliency for both wastewater treatment and recycled water supplies in the community. Operators will be able to safely shelter and maintain critical plant operations during extreme weather events. Read more.
FL: Brooksville Approves Recycled Water Connection to Residential Community
The City of Brooksville received City Council approval to add a new residential community to its reclaimed water line. The $150,000 project will allow the Cascades Community to use recycled water to irrigate homes and common areas, reducing the burden on groundwater. Read more.
ID: City of Boise Website Showcases Importance of Recycled Water
The City of Boise is building a public education campaign for its planned water recycling program that includes a web page that explains recycled water and tracks project progress. Still in the research and planning stage, Boise is exploring various approaches to water recycling including aquifer recharge. The website notes the next step in the process, which is a National Water Research Institute expert panel that will provide recommendations for the recycled water program. View website.
IL: Chicago Offers Incentives to Encourage Rainwater Recycling
“We all know how we should recycle plastics, glass, and paper, etc., but water must be recycled too,” said Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Commissioner Josina Morita. Rain barrels are offered to Cook County Residents for a discounted rate. Not only does this effort support wastewater operations during heavy rains, but it allows residents to reuse rainwater, saving residents on their water bills and supporting aquifer recharge. Read more.
WA: City of Cheney Receives Loan to Support Water Reuse Project
The Washington State Department of Ecology awarded the City of Cheney a $21.8 million loan to support upgrades to the water reclamation plant that will allow water to be recycled for landscape irrigation. The project includes the installation of a purple pipe network to distribute recycled water to city parks, athletic fields, and school grounds. The water reuse program will reduce stress on groundwater, which is the sole source for local drinking water supply. Read more.
WateReuse Member Resources and Benefits
Need to Illustrate the Value of Water Reuse Investment? Use Our Flyer and Infographic
Utilities must make a compelling case to ratepayers, policymakers, and other stakeholders that investment in water recycling is the right decision. Use our flyer and infographic to illustrate that Investment in water reuse builds communities that are modern, sustainable and stable—ready for families to flourish and businesses to grow. The infographic highlights examples of recycled water from coast to coast and documents the value they bring.
Interactive Map on State Water Reuse Policies and Regulations
Do you need information about water reuse policies and regulations from across the United States? Visit the state policy map on our website to find summaries of the regulatory landscape in key states, as well as links to specific polices and regulations. Clicking on a particular state opens a pop-up window with detailed information about the state. WateReuse invites members to help us fill in gaps in knowledge using the comment box provided on the page. The map will be updated periodically as new information is received and/or states update their regulations. View the state policy map here.
Job Opportunity from the WateReuse Career Center
- Water Control Systems Manager, Tucson Water, Tucson, Arizona
WateReuse Conferences, Webcasts and Events
Arizona Water Reuse Symposium Brings Together Thought Leaders on Reuse
WateReuse Arizona and the AZ Water Association hosted the Arizona Water Reuse 2021 Symposium, July 25-27, 2021, at the Little America Hotel in Flagstaff, AZ. Drawing over 135 participants, the conference enabled thoughtful discussion on adapting to water supply shortages and navigating pretreatment challenges. The program began Sunday evening with the annual welcome reception and purple water balloon battle followed by two days of sessions on the latest trends in water reuse.
Speakers represented utilities, regulatory agencies, academia, nonprofits, and private industry. The symposium featured addresses from WateReuse Association Executive Director Patricia Sinicropi, Water Research Foundation CEO Peter Grevatt, and Senators Kirsten Sinema and Mark Kelly. The Symposium also included a scholarship and awards luncheon, as well as a dinner function at the Arizona Snow Bowl. Symposium Chairperson Troy Walker of Hazen & Sawyer and Section President Rob McCandless of Brown & Caldwell even shared their homebrewed beer made with recycled water from the Scottsdale Water Campus’ DPR facility.
Webcast: Discussion on Desalination – Treatments, Research, and the Future
August 11, 2021
11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)
In this webcast, a panel of experts from the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and CalDesal will discuss the state of desalination in the United States. The panel will explore current practices, technologies, treatments, on-going research, and the future role of desalination in the resiliency of the country’s water supply. You will also learn about NAWI’s research and development roadmap series on desalination and treatment of nontraditional source waters. Register here.
WateReuse Pacific Northwest to Present Water Reuse Track at PNCWA Conference
WateReuse Pacific Northwest (WR-PNW) and the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) are partnering to bring members a 2021 conference technical program that includes sustainable approaches to water reuse as one of many one-water solutions. WR-PNW will present a water reuse track at the PNCWA Annual Conference to benefit members, advance ongoing innovation, and showcase industry collaboration. The track will occur Tuesday, September 14, with options for single-day attendance packages available. Please join our one-day track and engage in our common vision to advance regional water reuse. The full conference will include in-person and virtual attendance formats, September 13-15. Learn more and register.
Building a Resilient Future Together: Register for the 2021 WateReuse California Annual Conference
Registration is open for the 2021 WateReuse California Annual Conference and there are two ways to participate! Participate in-person September 19-21 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Los Angles or join virtually from the comfort of your office. In-person registration includes access to the on-demand, virtual content. The agenda includes technical sessions, panel presentations, two tours, and many networking opportunities. For those who do not wish to attend in person, all major sessions will be simulcast, and technical sessions will be available on the virtual conference platform. Learn more and register.
Super Saver Opens October 4: 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium in San Antonio, Texas
Mark your calendar for the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium to be held March 5-9, 2022 at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas. A special super saver registration rate will be offered exclusively to WateReuse Association members beginning Monday, October 4, 2021—before early-bird registration opens to the general public. If you normally take advantage of early-bird registration discounts, this year you will be able to register earlier and save even more. Attendees will have the options to attend in-person in San Antonio, stream the sessions online, or both. This is a not-to-be missed opportunity to learn about the latest trends in water recycling and network with colleagues.
World Water-Tech North America Virtual Summit, October 5-6, 2021
The WateReuse Association is pleased to support the World Water-Tech North America Summit, connecting the global water ecosystem on October 5-6.
Join 350 stakeholders driving change across the water value chain, with speakers from utilities (public and private), billion-dollar venture funds, international engineering giants, and technology companies (start-ups and unicorns). YOU’RE GUARANTEED hot debates, new ideas and fresh faces!
This incredible group of cross-industry voices will come together to trade insights about how to accelerate watershed resilience, and identify opportunities to transform the industry through innovation and investment. Will you be joining them?
Save a further 10% with The WateReuse Association’s discount code: WRA10
Upcoming Events
Calling Reuse Communicators!
You are invited to join us for a conversation about water reuse communications in the Pacific Northwest. The success of reuse projects in the PNW hinges on community support which is only made possible through effective communication. Join other WateReuse communications professionals and advocates from the Pacific Northwest for a workshop to share your experience and support effective communication in the region.
What: Join us Wednesday, September 11th at City of Boise City Hall starting at 8:00 AM with an opportunity for networking and donuts. We will get to know each other, spend some time discussing gaps and opportunities for communication in our region, and take the beginning steps toward aligning on common terminology and language. We will explore communication opportunities and gaps in the region and align on stakeholders and language.
- DONUTS, COFFEE, Introductions/ Networking Icebreaker
- Gap Identification—“What do you need to be effective?”
- Terminology Round table
- Subcommittee solicitation/ call to action
When: Wednesday, September 11th 8:00- 10:30 AM
City of Boise City Hall
150 N Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702
Please RSVP to Natalie Monro ( by September 5th. Thank you!
2024 WateReuse California Conference
Garden Grove, CA
September 15-17, 2024
The WateReuse California Annual Conference welcomes over 700 water professionals for three days of networking, technical sessions, and panels on the most pressing water reuse issues in the state. The conference includes the Annual California Reuse Awards of Excellence ceremony and much more.
Add to Calendar
Join us for our annual chapter mixer which will be held Sunday, September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. The event will be held at Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Company, right across the street from the conference hotel in Garden Grove. This event is always one of our chapter highlights of the year and is a great opportunity to connect.
Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]
Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.
The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:
1. January 19 – in person
2. March 8 – virtual
3. March 22 – in person
4. April 12 – virtual
5. May 10 – in person
6. May 31 – virtual
7. June 21 – virtual
8. August 9 – virtual
9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)
This presentation will span municipal and industrial drivers for the use of reclaimed water at data centers, and how those shared drivers lend themselves to unique cost share/funding opportunities. Water quality considerations will be discussed, including those that determine reclaimed water compatibility for data center use and those that determine return flow compatibility with municipal systems. Lastly, recommendations will be shared for the achievement of long-term, mutually beneficial water reuse relationships.
Ken Horner, PE – Senior Associate – Industrial Water | Corporate Lead for Data Centers, Hazen and Sawyer
Stephanie Ishii, PhD, PE – Director of Integrated Resource Technologies, Hazen and Sawyer
Moderator: Tiffani Kavalec.
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Agenda will be provided via email as we get closer to the meeting date.