A Panel Discussion: Past, Present, & Future Reuse as Part of Arizona’s Water Portfolio
WateReuse Arizona Section Meeting & Webinar
10 am PDT | 10 am MST | 1 pm EDT
WateReuse Members: Free
Others: $49
PDHs: 2
Arizona’s water managers and policy makers have long touted the practice of using treated wastewater in many areas of the state and putting it to beneficial use. However, every community uses effluent differently depending on their community’s needs, history, and the make-up of the other sources in their water resources portfolio.
Differences range from the size and locations of their reclaimed purple pipe system, to recharge facilities for Long Term Storage Credits, to exchange agreements, and the next horizon of direct potable reuse. What kind of investments are communities making to secure their water future using effluent? How do these communities approach water reuse differently, what are the similarities, and why?
This panel explores how communities from Northern to Southern Arizona and from East to West Valley use treated effluent as a component of their water resources portfolio.