February 25, 2019
Washington Update
Join the WateReuse Delegation at the National Water Policy Fly-In, Register Today
Supreme Court to Consider Scope of Clean Water Act
State Updates and Member Profiles
Welcome New Members!
The WateReuse Association welcomes the following new members:
California: Los Angeles Announces Plans to Recycle 100% of Wastewater by 2035
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced last Thursday that the City of Los Angeles will recycle 100% of its wastewater by 2035. Hyperion — the largest treatment plant west of the Mississippi River — currently receives 81% of the city’s total wastewater and recycles 27% of the water that flows into the facility. Improvements to Hyperion will cost roughly $2 billion over the next 16 years and create middle class engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance jobs. Currently, 2% of the city’s water supply comes from L.A.’s four water treatment facilities. Read More.
California: New Legislation Seeks to Decrease Wastewater Discharge, Increase Reuse
State Senate Majority Leader Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) and Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced legislation last Wednesday that calls for a dramatic decrease in the amount of treated wastewater that is discharged into the ocean each year. SB 332, also known as the Local Water Reliability Act, promotes the development of local water supplies by requiring wastewater treatment facilities to reduce the volume of treated wastewater discharged into the ocean by 50% annually in 2030 and by 95% in 2040. SB 332 will receive its first committee hearing in the coming months. Read More.
Colorado: Castle Rock Announces Plans for Potable Reuse, Begins Outreach
WateReuse Association member the Town of Castle Rock announced that it would begin purifying wastewater to drinking water standards as early as next year. In the winter, 4.5 million gallons of surface water is treated daily at the Plum Creek Reclamation Authority’s wastewater treatment plant in Castle Rock. Castle Rock Water hosted an open house this past Saturday at the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility to share more information with the public about how water reuse is safe, sustainable and economical. Read More.
Florida: Tampa Board Delays Decision on Potable Reuse Until April
The Tampa Bay Water Board voted last Monday to delay a final vote on whether to move forward with a potable reuse project until April. Under a concept in the planning stages for several years, the city would redirect about 50 million gallons a day from the treatment plant into the aquifer, where it would naturally filtrate. Then the water would be pumped back up, with roughly half going to the city’s water treatment plant and the other half to the Hillsborough River reservoir, where Tampa Bay Water could use it to help meet the area’s drinking needs. Read More.
Conferences and Events
Advanced Registration Ends March 4 for the 2019 WateReuse California Annual Conference
Register for the 2019 WateReuse California Annual Conference in Garden Grove, California on March 17-19, 2019. The conference will feature more than 60 technical presentations, technical tours, receptions, an awards luncheon, the annual Gordon Cologne Breakfast, and the ever-popular exhibit hall. Register by Monday, March 4 to have your registration materials waiting for you when you arrive. Register Now!
Webcast: What are the Best Opportunities for Industrial Water Reuse?
Please join us on March 13 at 2 pm eastern to learn which industries are investing in water reuse and in what ways. Learn about new data from Bluefield Research that will reveal reuse strategies for key industries, drivers for investment in reuse, the best geographic opportunities for industrial reuse, how industries are collaborating with municipalities, and more. Register Now!
Webcast: Advancing the Seawater Desalination Knowledge Base
Please join us on March 14 at 3 p.m. eastern to learn about the latest advancements in seawater desalination via reverse osmosis. Presented in partnership with The Water Research Foundation, this webcast will discuss two recent studies that explore advancements in seawater desalination from pretreatment to integration of desalinated water into water systems. Register Now!
Register for the 2019 Idaho Reuse & Operators Conference
The annual water reuse conference enables water and wastewater operators, engineers, public works directors, elected officials, consultants, developers, attorneys, environmental advocates, and other professionals to continue their education, network, and discuss key issues related to water reuse in Idaho and the West. This year, the Idaho Reuse and Operators Conference (IROC) is teaming up with WateReuse Pacific Northwest, the Idaho operators section of the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association, and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. Register Now!
Save the Date: 34th Annual WateReuse Symposium in San Diego, California
Mark your calendar for the 34th Annual WateReuse Symposium is in San Diego, California on September 8-11, 2019. This year’s theme is “Collaborate to Innovate.” We will showcase recycled water collaborations among utilities, farmers, and industry; regulators working together at both the state and federal level; sustainability; public/private partnerships; and, for the first time, the latest in reuse research led by the Water Research Foundation. Learn More.
Upcoming Events
Angel Lacroix
Too many emails, not enough?
Update your email communication preferences from WateReuse NV here: https://forms.office.com/r/kH2FeBmCYg
Calling Reuse Communicators!
You are invited to join us for a conversation about water reuse communications in the Pacific Northwest. The success of reuse projects in the PNW hinges on community support which is only made possible through effective communication. Join other WateReuse communications professionals and advocates from the Pacific Northwest for a workshop to share your experience and support effective communication in the region.
What: Join us Wednesday, September 11th at City of Boise City Hall starting at 8:00 AM with an opportunity for networking and donuts. We will get to know each other, spend some time discussing gaps and opportunities for communication in our region, and take the beginning steps toward aligning on common terminology and language. We will explore communication opportunities and gaps in the region and align on stakeholders and language.
- DONUTS, COFFEE, Introductions/ Networking Icebreaker
- Gap Identification—“What do you need to be effective?”
- Terminology Round table
- Subcommittee solicitation/ call to action
When: Wednesday, September 11th 8:00- 10:30 AM
City of Boise City Hall
150 N Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702
Please RSVP to Natalie Monro (nhnida@cob.org) by September 5th. Thank you!
2024 WateReuse California Conference
Garden Grove, CA
September 15-17, 2024
The WateReuse California Annual Conference welcomes over 700 water professionals for three days of networking, technical sessions, and panels on the most pressing water reuse issues in the state. The conference includes the Annual California Reuse Awards of Excellence ceremony and much more.
Join us for our annual chapter mixer which will be held Sunday, September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. The event will be held at Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Company, right across the street from the conference hotel in Garden Grove. This event is always one of our chapter highlights of the year and is a great opportunity to connect.
Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]
Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.
The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:
1. January 19 – in person
2. March 8 – virtual
3. March 22 – in person
4. April 12 – virtual
5. May 10 – in person
6. May 31 – virtual
7. June 21 – virtual
8. August 9 – virtual
9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)
This presentation will span municipal and industrial drivers for the use of reclaimed water at data centers, and how those shared drivers lend themselves to unique cost share/funding opportunities. Water quality considerations will be discussed, including those that determine reclaimed water compatibility for data center use and those that determine return flow compatibility with municipal systems. Lastly, recommendations will be shared for the achievement of long-term, mutually beneficial water reuse relationships.
Ken Horner, PE – Senior Associate – Industrial Water | Corporate Lead for Data Centers, Hazen and Sawyer
Stephanie Ishii, PhD, PE – Director of Integrated Resource Technologies, Hazen and Sawyer
Moderator: Tiffani Kavalec.