
Title XVI

Title XVI-WIIN Recommendation Reauthorize program and provide $50 million in funding for Fiscal Year 2022. Background Title XVI of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-575), commonly referred to as Title XVI, is the only federal program that provides funding specifically for...

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Permitting of Potable Reuse

Permitting of Potable Reuse Recommendation Eliminate the classification of Advanced Treated Water as “a discharge of pollutants” and regulate Advanced Treated Water under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Background Historically, wastewater treatment facilities have discharged treated wastewater into the environment. Because a discharge is involved,...

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Investment Tax Credit for Industrial Reuse

Investment Tax Credit for Industrial Reuse Recommendation Establish a federal tax credit for retrofitting industrial facilities to use municipal recycled water or to recycle water onsite. Background Industrial water use in the US is second only to agribusiness in terms of water usage. Although many facilities...

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Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Recommendation Provide $2.32 billion in funding for Fiscal Year 2022. Background Established in 1996, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is a state-federal partnership that provides low-interest loans to improve drinking water treatment, fix leaking or old pipes, improve...

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Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Recommendation Reauthorize the program and provide $3.4 billion in funding for Fiscal Year 2022. Background Established in 1987, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is a state-federal partnership that provides low-interest loans to communities for the construction of municipal...

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Federal Priorities

Federal Priorities Local governments are responsible for supplying a safe, reliable and locally controlled water supply. Water and wastewater services—as well as the pumps, pipes and treatment facilities that support these services—are funded with fees paid by utility customers. However, the cost of maintenance and...

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Implementation of Potable Reuse & the Preservation of Water Quality

When: November 3, 2016 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Webcast 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. PDT PDHs: 1 Fee: Free for Members; $49 for Nonmembers Register Now! Indirect potable reuse is not a new concept in Florida, however, the state......

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Water/Municipal Sector Applauds Senate Passage of WRDA

A diverse coalition of organizations representing the drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, flood risk management and local government sectors, recently congratulated the Senate for passing S. 2848, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 with a broad bipartisan vote of 95 to 3. This strong vote reflects the wide-spread...

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Monitoring for Reliability and Process Control of Potable Reuse Applications

The project will identify, evaluate, test, and validate systems that can be used to assure the public safety of potable reuse....

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