Strategic Direction
The mission of WateReuse California is to promote responsible stewardship of California’s water resources by maximizing the safe, practical and beneficial use of recycled water and by supporting the efforts of the of WateReuse Association.
Strategic Plan
In 2021 WateReuse California, in partnership with its seven chapters, updated its 2014 Strategic Plan. Building on California’s achievements over the previous seven years, the Plan lays out a strategic direction and a number of specific special projects that will help achieve a climate-and drought-resilient water supply for California. The Plan also includes a new vision statement: To advance water recycling as the cornerstone of a climate-resilient, new water supply for California.
To achieve this vision and enhance our membership value, our strategic plan goals are:
- Advance Recycled Water Policy and Funding Opportunities
- Modernize Governance and Organizational Structure
- Support and Enhance Membership Engagement and Strategic Partnerships
- Develop and Promote California Water Recycling Resources
- Maintain and Grow WRCA Finances.
Charter and Policies
- WateReuse California Charter (#1)
- WateReuse California Policy: Reserve Policy
- WateReuse California Policy: Decentralized Non-Potable Water Systems and Graywater
- Recycled water is a sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally beneficial source of water that should be utilized to the fullest extent possible to ensure a reliable water supply for California, now and in the future.
- While the marginal cost of recycled water is often higher than the cost of other existing available supplies, water reuse provides a range of direct, indirect and long-term benefits that should be included in an economic evaluation of water supply and wastewater disposal alternatives. For this reason, investing federal and state funds in recycled water projects is an appropriate investment of public funds that will provide for a more sustainable water supply in California.
- Recycled water is a key component of California’s sustainable water supply strategy and is also an important part of the state’s adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
- The use of recycled water in place of other water supply sources results in a benefit equivalent to water conservation.
- Regulations should be designed to facilitate recycled water reuse by ensuring the implementation of appropriate mechanisms for protecting health, safety and the environment, while streamlining regulatory approvals and allowing flexibility. Similarly, monitoring and reporting requirements should generate information whose value is equal to or greater than the cost of its development. A scientifically-based system of regulations for use of recycled water should provide a sound foundation for public confidence in and support for water reuse.
- Initiate or support appointment and election of individuals that share our principles.
- Initiate or support bond measures and other funding mechanisms that provide funding for water recycling, including project implementation and research. Support prioritized allocation of funding based on project readiness.
- Initiate or support legislative and regulatory changes that:
- Facilitate the characterization of recycled water as a water supply resource rather than a waste.
- Expand the allowable uses of recycled water, consistent with good science and public health protection.
- Assure the safety of recycled water and its uses.
- Advance the recommendations contained in “Water Recycling 2030:Recommendations of California’s Recycled Water Task Force”.
- Support legislative and regulatory efforts that:
- Improve the collection, analysis and transparency of data and information regarding recycled water use, research, potential for use and funding needs.
- Count recycled water in water conservation calculations.
- Promote increased use of recycled water as a critical component of California’s climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy.
- Initiate and support efforts to educate and inform opinion leaders, regulatory agency personnel, customers and the general public regarding the direct, indirect and long-term benefits of recycled water, and provide validated, comprehensive analyses of the risks and benefits of water reuse.
- Support and promote aggressive actions to achieve California’s water recycling goals, but oppose mandates on water or wastewater agencies to recycle specific volumes in the absence of adequate funding, regulatory flexibility and institutional frameworks needed to meet them.
- Oppose legislative and regulatory changes that:
- Limit the allowable uses of recycled water, unless consistent with good science and public health protection.
- Impose fees water recycling unless they 1) are specifically limited to the amount required for the actual service provided; 2) are equitably imposed on beneficiaries; and 3) fund an activity or service that is consistent with these principles.
- Cultivate support among legislative and regulatory leaders to promote WateReuse’s principles and positions.
- Act as a resource for legislative and regulatory leaders on water recycling.
- Sponsor legislation on issues central to WateReuse’s mission, and, if not the sponsor, take positions on legislation related to water recycling.
- Actively participate in regulatory processes related to water recycling.
- Develop and cultivate alliances with other statewide and regional associations interested in increasing recycled water use through increased funding, regulatory streamlining and enhancing public acceptance.
- Support regulatory appeals on behalf of our members when a precedential issue is at stake.
- Regularly inform the WRA CA membership of key legislative, regulatory, funding and public information issues as well as WRA accomplishments.