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October 4, 2021

Super Saver Registration Opens Today! Register for Big Savings on the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium

Make plans to join us for the 37th Annual WateReuse SymposiumMarch 6-9, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas and on the WateReuse virtual conference platform. The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the premier conference on water recycling — attracting more than 800 water professionals globally for knowledge-sharing, networking, and intriguing discussions! 

The special super saver registration rate opens today, exclusively for WateReuse members. If you normally take advantage of early-bird registration discounts, this year you will be able to register earlier and save even more. Register Now!

Washington Update

House Delays Vote on Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Works to Finalize Reconciliation Package

Biden Signs Stopgap Funding Bill, Extends Government Funding to December 3

New Policy Brief: Access to Safe & Affordable Water—The Case for Investment in Water Reuse

Recycled water programs are a critical component of America’s current and future water resources portfolio. They are helping communities stabilize water rates, sustain economic activity, and address environmental and infrastructure challenges. Read more.

Member OpEd: Congress Needs to Accelerate Water Reuse and Recycling

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions global government leader and WateReuse Board Member, Jon Freedman, urged Congress to provide leadership and advance water recycling in the rest of the nation. Freedman recommends congress adopt the Alternative Water Source Grants Pilot Program, which would establish a nationwide program expanding water recycling tools and resources beyond the Western U.S. Read more.

State Updates and Member Profiles

CA: Valley Water Announces Plans for Water Purification Facility

To better adapt to drought conditions and avoid future water supply uncertainty, Valley Water announced a plan to open a water purification facility by 2028. This facility will be developed in collaboration with the Cities of San Jose, Mountain View, and Palo Alto. The new facility will produce 10 million gallons a day of purified drinking water to recharge groundwater aquifers. Read more.

CO: State Proposes Updates to Reclaimed Water Regulation

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Division of Water Quality released a draft proposal to update water reuse regulations and streamline the process of permitting new recycled water uses. Regulation 84 currently allows landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, and fire protection, as well as industrial, commercial, and toilet and urinal flushing uses. The latest draft is available for public comment through October 22. Read more.

FL: University Engineers Develop Solar-Powered Water Reuse System

Engineers from the University of South Florida have developed a NEWgenerator to recovery nutrients, energy, and water. This packaged wastewater treatment system recycles water for non-potable uses and is moving out of the trial phase towards mass production. Read more.

Industry Spotlight: Recycled Water Used for Green Hydrogen Production

Plug Power announced its new plant in Fresno County, CA will produce green hydrogen using solar energy and recycled water. Traditionally, hydrogen is stripped from natural gas, releasing carbon dioxide. Green hydrogen is produced without direct carbon emissions but requires substantial amounts of clean water. A new tertiary treatment plant in Mendota will provide recycled water for use in the green hydrogen plant as well as for use by residents. Read more.

Member Engagement Opportunities

37th Annual WateReuse Symposium Call for Presentations: Share Your Knowledge

Position yourself as a water reuse thought leader at the 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium, March 6-9, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas and on the WateReuse Virtual Conference Platform. The WateReuse Association invites water reuse experts, practitioners, researchers, and young professionals to submit proposals for a place on the podium during the Symposium. WateReuse is looking for fresh presentations emphasizing the future of water reuse globally. Speakers will be live and on the virtual platform. View the Call for Presentations and submit proposals online by November 1, 2021.

special super saver registration rate will be offered exclusively to WateReuse members beginning Monday, October 4, 2021—before early-bird registration opens to the general public. Read more.

Call for Nominations: WateReuse Awards for Excellence Honor Member Achievements

Get the recognition you deserve! The WateReuse Awards for Excellence recognize WateReuse members, their projects, and their partnerships for significant contributions in advancing water reuse.

Award recipients exhibit leadership in water reuse education, advocacy, technology, and/or implementation, showcasing innovative approaches that others can follow.  

Award nominations are due October 22, 2021. Read more.

WateReuse Member Resources and Benefits

Have a Question You’d Love to Ask a Peer? Use WateReuse Connect to Find the Answer

WateReuse members can use WateReuse Connect to access a member-to-member network of more than 7,000 water recycling practitioners, business leaders, regulators, academics, and technology providers. Recent discussion topics have included innovative partnerships, scheduling of recycled water deliveries, and steam generation. Post your questions, observations, and unique challenges on our online platform to benefit from the unique experiences of other members across the nation and around the world. It’s simple to use with your member login information. For help accessing WateReuse Connect, please email Member Services.

Interactive Map on State Water Reuse Policies and Regulations

Do you need information about water reuse policies and regulations from across the United States? Visit the state policy map on our website to find summaries of the regulatory landscape in key states, as well as links to specific polices and regulations. Clicking on a particular state opens a pop-up window with detailed information about the state. WateReuse invites members to help us fill in gaps in knowledge using the comment box provided on the page. The map is updated periodically as new information is received and/or states update their regulations. View the state policy map here.

Water Reuse Conferences, Webcasts, and Events

WateReuse Pacific Northwest Collaborates with PNCWA on Successful Conference

WateReuse Pacific Northwest (PNW) partnered with the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) to provide a hybrid, virtual and in-person, conference September 12-15. Through this partnership, WateReuse PNW presented a full-day technical track covering national and regional issues related to reuse.

The track opened with a panel featuring the national WateReuse Association and the EPA discussing the National Water Reuse Action Plan. The PNW Section provided a parallel report-out on regional efforts to advance water reuse through the spring workshop series. Numerous additional speakers from utilities, regulatory agencies, consulting firms and other stakeholders joined the event to share technical insights and project case studies related to important reuse projects.

WateReuse PNW also hosted a fundraiser to benefit Water For People at a Monday evening social event. The Section made a splash by offering participants the opportunity to “Rinse A Regulator” and dunk Idaho DEQ Water Quality Engineering Manager, Matt Plaisted. PNCWA President Haley Falconer of the City of Boise even spent some time in the tank to raise funds! Over $600 was raised to benefit Water For People.


The “Rinse a Regulator” event raised $600 to benefit Water for People.

Upcoming Events

San Diego Green Building Lunch & Learn Webcast: EPA NEWR

October 5, 2021
12 pm PT | 3 pm ET (1 hour)

Learn about the U.S. EPA’s Non-Potable Environmental and Economic Water Reuse (NEWR) Calculator! NEWR is a simple to use web-based tool for screening-level assessments of source water options for any urban building location across the Unites States that is considering onsite non-potable reuse. This tool supports the National Water Reuse Action Plan. Register here.

Webcast: Navigating Onsite Water Reuse Regulations – Utility Perspective

October 13, 2021
11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)

This webcast will explore explore the experiences of several utilities across the country in planning, establishing, and setting up onsite water reuse programs. A panel of utility representatives will offer expert insight into navigating various state regulations or regulatory development processes. Register here.

Webcast: Water Reuse in the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature

October 14, 2021
9:30 am PT | 12:30 pm ET (1.5 hours)

Join WateReuse Texas and WEAT’s discussion about water bills passed the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature! This webinar will discuss several water bills passed in the 87th Session of Texas legislature, including SB 3, and will focus specific attention to the water reuse bills including SB 905 and SB 601. Learn more.

Webcast: Exploring Agriculture Reuse

November 10, 2021
11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)

Join WateReuse California’s Agriculture Reuse committee to discuss the benefits of agriculture reuse, programs and case-studies, regulations, and an outlook for the future. Register here.


Arizona WateReuse 2024 Symposium @ Little America Hotel
Jul 28 – Jul 30 all-day
WRCA Agricultural Reuse Committee
Jul 30 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse
Aug 6 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
A Framework for Permitting Innovation in the Wastewater Sector to Support Water Reuse

11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)
This webcast is free of charge.
PDHs: 1

Register Now!



This webcast, co-hosted by the U.S. EPA, will present the key outcomes of an expert workshop that sought to understand how the permitting process can better support innovative water resource management solutions, such as water reuse. The webcast will detail five characteristics to support a permitting process that is not a painful hurdle, but rather an opportunity for mutual creativity between regulators, regulated entities, and the engaged public. Webcast participants will learn about how this framework can be applied to their unique circumstances, work being done by EPA and partners, and how innovation can be better facilitated through permitting.



  • Justin Mattingly, Water Reuse Program, U.S. EPA
  • Michael Kiparsky, University of California, Berkley 
  • Dave Smith, Water Innovation Services 
  • Felicia Marcus, Stanford University
WateReuse California Legislative-Regulatory Committee Meeting
Aug 9 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]


Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.


The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.


Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:


1. January 19 – in person

2. March 8 – virtual

3. March 22 – in person

4. April 12 – virtual

5. May 10 – in person

6. May 31 – virtual

7. June 21 – virtual

8. August 9 – virtual

9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)

WRCA Los Angeles Chapter Meeting
Aug 13 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Our next meeting will be on August 13th  at Hyperion Treatment Plant in Playa Del Rey.

Please RSVP by Friday, August 2nd by filling out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/tkAibX4HnB.

WateReuse Texas Board Meeting
Aug 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Orange County Chapter Meeting @ Moulton Nigel Water District
Aug 15 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Central Valley/Sierra Foothills Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 all-day

Joint Meeting with Northern California chapter, time and location TBD.

Northern California Chapter Meeting
Aug 16 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The meeting will be May 17 at Mitchell Park Community Center 3700 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto. The topic is Commissioning, Operations and Compliance perspectives and we will have presentations from:

  • Steven Garner, Director of Certification for AWWA Cal-Nevada will be presenting what it takes to get an AWTO Certification for purified systems
  • Vincent Gruffat and Brandon Jacka, Engineer and Operations Managers for Natural Systems Utilities (NSU) will be presenting the perspectives from operating Onsite non potable water systems
  • Derrick Mansell, Operations Manager of Orange County Water District will be presenting the challenges and lessons learned from operating the world’s largest IPR system
Pacific Northwest Section Meeting
Aug 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

Join Today