
Real-Time Monitoring Tools to Characterize Microbal Contaminants in Reclaimed Water: State-of-the-Science Assessment

The project is a state-of-the-science assessment of real-time and near real-time analytical detection methods for monitoring pathogenic microorganisms and treatment efficiency surrogates (such as coliforms) in reclaimed water....

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Development of Bioanalytical Techniques to Assess the Potential Human Health Impacts of Recycled Water

The project advances the science and application of bioanalytical tools for water quality assessment....

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Utilization of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Approach for Evaluating Integrity of Treatment Barriers for Reuse

The project builds on Australian and broader international experience with HACCP for recycled water management and help evaluate, pilot test, and tailor a HACCP approach for microbial control in U.S. reclaimed water systems, including consideration of the benefits and disadvantages of adopting a HACCP approach...

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Evaluation of Alternatives to Domestic Ion Exchange Water Softeners

The project evaluates alternatives to domestic ion exchange technologies for their ability to prevent scale prevention and alternative technologies with different types of water. Two different surface waters, Colorado River water (the most widely used water in the southwestern United States) and a groundwater, were...

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Risk Reduction for Direct Potable Reuse

The project identifies how risk reduction and response concepts developed in other industries (structural/bridge, aviation/NASA) can be adapted and applied to DPR. The results provide new perspectives on how to consider risk management and an understanding of what engineering practices could be incorporated into our...

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Ozone Pretreatment of a Non-Nitrifed Secondary Effluent Before Microfiltration

The project was designed to optimize the operation of PVDF MF membranes after ozonation of wastewater effluent and evaluate the impacts of ozonation on other aspects of IPR treatments and the performance of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes that treat MF filtrate....

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Use of Ozone in Water Reclamation for Contaminant Oxidation

The project characterizes the use of ozone in wastewater treatment applications with respect to bulk organic matter transformation, contaminant oxidation, microbial inactivation, and the formation of disinfection byproducts and other transformation products. A secondary objective was to evaluate the synergism between ozone and biological filtration,...

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Development of Public Communication Toolkit for Desalination Projects

The project provides municipalities and other water purveyors with a roadmap to craft their own strategic public outreach plans in support of a desalination project....

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Impingement Mortality and Entrainment (IM&E) Reduction Guidance Document for Existing Seawater Intakes

The project provides guidance on the intake technologies and modifications that have potential for mitigating IM&E of marine organisms at existing seawater intake structures. If existing intakes can be modified for desalination use, the seawater desalination industry can realize reduced capital costs associated with constructing...

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