April 9, 2018
Washington Update
EPA WIFIA Announces Notice of Funding Availability for 2018
WateReuse Submits Coalition Support Letters for WRDA Priority
Don’t Miss the 2018 National Water Policy Fly-In During Water Week 2018
EPA Administrator Pruitt Delegates Dredge and Fill Permit Authority to Himself
On March 30, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt released a memo to EPA Regional Administrators stating that all Section 404 dredge and fill material permitting decisions must now go through the Administrator’s office. The memo states that the decision to take this authority away from the regional offices is part of EPA’s review of the 2015 Waters of the United States rule.
Washington Calendar
Please note the following deadlines:
- Comments on Title XVI Updated Evaluation Criteria are due to the Bureau of Reclamation on April 12
- Comments to EPA on discharges of pollutants via groundwater are due May 21
State Updates and Member Profiles
California: Dry Winter Demonstrates Need for Increased Water Recycling
The California Department of Water Resources reported last week that the Sierra Snowpack, the major source of water for the state during the dry months, was at 52 percent of average. As snow in the Sierra Mountains melts, it flows into a massive network of reservoirs that provide water throughout the year. While the reservoirs are full following last year’s wet winter, some projections indicate that a typical April snowpack at the end of the century will be 64% smaller than the typical April snowpack at the end of the 20th century. Learn More.
Colorado: Denver Water, Carollo Engineers, and Xylem Partner on Direct Potable Reuse Demonstration Project
Denver Water is partnering with WateReuse Colorado, Carollo Engineers, and Xylem on the PureWater Colorado Demonstration Project to establish that direct potable reuse (DPR) is as a safe, reliable and sustainable drinking water source. The project is located at the Denver Water Recycling Plant and will run during the month of April. Some of the water produced will be used to brew beer to raise awareness among the public about this water purification process. Learn More.
Florida: Governor Scott Vetoes Legislation Supporting Aquifer Recharge with Recycled Water
Florida: JEA Begins Pilot Program to Bring Potable Reuse to Jacksonville
WateReuse Association member JEA, a community owned electric, water, and sewer utility, is collaborating with the St. Johns River Water Management District to test two technologies for producing purified water at two regional water reclamation facilities. JEA’s drinking water comes from the Floridan aquifer, which is becoming limited as the state grows. Recycled water is already used for irrigation in Jacksonville and neighboring counties. Learn More.
Florida: WateReuse Florida Proclaims May 13-19 Florida Water Reuse Week
WateReuse Florida has designated May 13-19, 2018 as Florida Water Reuse Week. May, typically a dry month when water demands are high, is a good time to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida’s precious water resources through water reuse. WateReuse Florida is encouraging water organizations around the state to pass a similar resolution. Most of the water management districts have developed proclamation templates customized to their area to assist local agencies in developing a resolution.
Montana: Big Sky Looks to Water Reuse to in Wet Years
The Big Sky County Water and Sewer District is examining the possibility of upgrading its recycled water program to produce water clean enough for rapid infiltration and snowmaking. The district already recycles 100% of its effluent as irrigation water for golf courses and a park. The current treatment facility is coming close to reaching capacity, particularly in wet years, so officials are looking to advanced treatment options to allow more uses of its recycled water. Learn More.
Conferences and Events
Webcast: Water Recycling and Wet Weather Management
Please join us on April 12 at 2 p.m. EDT for a webcast showcasing successful urban and suburban-based decentralized water recycling installations in the Northeastern United States. You will learn about the decentralized water recycling revolution occurring in and around cities located in wetter regions, including why these cities are turning to decentralized water reuse and how your city can integrate decentralized water recycling systems into your overall wastewater and wet weather management strategy. If you are a wastewater utility manager facing challenging weather conditions and population growth, this webcast is for you. Learn More.
Make Plans to Attend the 33rd Annual WateReuse Symposium
Learn “What’s Working, What’s New, and What’s Next in Water Reuse” at the 33rd Annual WateReuse Symposium, September 9-12, 2018, at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas. The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the nation’s premier conference on water reuse and the only conference dedicated solely to advancing the policy, technology, innovation and public acceptance of recycled water. Registration opens in May! Learn More.
Register for the Pacific Northwest WateReuse Conference
WateReuse Pacific Northwest will host a conference May 17-18 in Portland, Oregon with the theme “Roadmap to Reuse.” More than 200 utility operators and mangers, elected officials, engineers, regulators and equipment manufacturers are expected to attend. Presentations will focus on feasibility studies, regulatory updates, public outreach, funding, and more. Learn More.
Upcoming Events
Angel Lacroix
Too many emails, not enough?
Update your email communication preferences from WateReuse NV here: https://forms.office.com/r/kH2FeBmCYg
Calling Reuse Communicators!
You are invited to join us for a conversation about water reuse communications in the Pacific Northwest. The success of reuse projects in the PNW hinges on community support which is only made possible through effective communication. Join other WateReuse communications professionals and advocates from the Pacific Northwest for a workshop to share your experience and support effective communication in the region.
What: Join us Wednesday, September 11th at City of Boise City Hall starting at 8:00 AM with an opportunity for networking and donuts. We will get to know each other, spend some time discussing gaps and opportunities for communication in our region, and take the beginning steps toward aligning on common terminology and language. We will explore communication opportunities and gaps in the region and align on stakeholders and language.
- DONUTS, COFFEE, Introductions/ Networking Icebreaker
- Gap Identification—“What do you need to be effective?”
- Terminology Round table
- Subcommittee solicitation/ call to action
When: Wednesday, September 11th 8:00- 10:30 AM
City of Boise City Hall
150 N Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702
Please RSVP to Natalie Monro (nhnida@cob.org) by September 5th. Thank you!
2024 WateReuse California Conference
Garden Grove, CA
September 15-17, 2024
The WateReuse California Annual Conference welcomes over 700 water professionals for three days of networking, technical sessions, and panels on the most pressing water reuse issues in the state. The conference includes the Annual California Reuse Awards of Excellence ceremony and much more.
Join us for our annual chapter mixer which will be held Sunday, September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. The event will be held at Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Company, right across the street from the conference hotel in Garden Grove. This event is always one of our chapter highlights of the year and is a great opportunity to connect.
Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]
Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.
The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:
1. January 19 – in person
2. March 8 – virtual
3. March 22 – in person
4. April 12 – virtual
5. May 10 – in person
6. May 31 – virtual
7. June 21 – virtual
8. August 9 – virtual
9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)
This presentation will span municipal and industrial drivers for the use of reclaimed water at data centers, and how those shared drivers lend themselves to unique cost share/funding opportunities. Water quality considerations will be discussed, including those that determine reclaimed water compatibility for data center use and those that determine return flow compatibility with municipal systems. Lastly, recommendations will be shared for the achievement of long-term, mutually beneficial water reuse relationships.
Ken Horner, PE – Senior Associate – Industrial Water | Corporate Lead for Data Centers, Hazen and Sawyer
Stephanie Ishii, PhD, PE – Director of Integrated Resource Technologies, Hazen and Sawyer
Moderator: Tiffani Kavalec.