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April 13, 2020

Message from WateReuse Association Leadership

During this time of crisis

Just Released: WateReuse President Gilbert Trejo Celebrates Association’s Successes in 30th Anniversary World Water Interview

In an interview with World Water, WateReuse Association President Gilbert Trejo discusses the growth of water reuse, the importance of water reuse advocacy, and the association’s past successes and vision for the future. Released last week, the March/April issue includes a special section on water reuse that highlights the release of the National Water Reuse Action Plan, previews the 35th Annual WateReuse Symposium, and profiles Tucson Water’s efforts to revitalize the Santa Cruz River with recycled water, among other articles. WateReuse partners with the Water Environment Federation to produce the special section in three issues per year.

Washington Update

COVID-19 Relief Efforts Continue in Congress

Virtual Water Reuse Advocacy: Join Water Week Webinars on April 22 and April 29

Action Needed: Submit Your “Shovel-Ready” Water Recycling Projects for Stimulus Investment

COVID-19 Resources for Water Recycling Agencies, Businesses, and Institutions 

Federal Agencies Provide Guidance on Water and COVID-19

WateReuse Members and Partners Provide COVID-19 Guidance

WateReuse Member Spotlight: COVID-19 Experiences and Responses

Researchers Partner with Water Recycling Agencies to Test for COVID-19

Researchers from the Southern Nevada Water Authority, University of Arizona, and several other universities are coordinating with water reuse and wastewater agencies to test for the presence of COVID-19 in influent wastewater. Widespread monitoring of wastewater across regions and time could provide critical information related to the prevalence of COVID-19 across the nation, time series comparisons with clinically confirmed cases, and an early warning system of the reemergence of the virus. The researchers are asking partnering agencies to freeze influent wastewater for testing at regular intervals. The research team also released a fact sheet last week on the Implications of COVID-19 for Water, Wastewater, and Water Reuse. For more information, contact Daniel Gerrity at SNWA.

Clean Water Services Staff Make their Own Hand Sanitizer and Disinfecting Wipes

Employees of Clean Water Services in Oregon have taken on a few new duties. In response to the shortage of commercially available products, staff is producing hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to help protect employees that continue doing the important work of maintaining our treatment plant systems. See LinkedIn

Xylem Shares How Digital Water Solutions Can Help Combat COVID-19

After surveying 25 utilities in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, WateReuse Association member Xylem believes those that invested in digitizing their workflow and operations fared better. In an article published last week, Xylem Vice President and General Manager, Albert Cho, discussed the important role that secure digital technologies is playing in the resilience of operations during these times of crisis. Coming out of Covid-19, Cho says investing in secure digital transformation will become a central part of utility resilience strategies. Read More.

Share Your Story!

Please submit your COVID-19 story or your company’s COVID-19 response (up to 50 words) for inclusion in a future issue of WateReuse Review. Email your information to info@watereuse.org by Thursday at 12 pm ET.

State Updates and Member Profiles

Welcome New Member!

The WateReuse Association welcomes the following new member: 

California: WateReuse California Elects New Board Members and Officers

California: Governor Suspends Service Disconnections Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

On April 2, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-42-20, Restrictions on Shutoffs, which restricts Public Water Systems (PWS) from disconnecting water service to residences and critical infrastructures due to non-payment. The Executive Order also requested that the California State Water Board identify ways to support water systems and customers, such as this web page that provides COVID-19 information and allows customers to report water shutoff issues.  

Massachusetts: Wastewater Study Indicates Coronavirus Cases are Undercounted

Researchers tested samples of wastewater from an urban treatment plant in March and concluded that there are likely hundreds more people with coronavirus in the area than officials thought. There were about 450 confirmed coronavirus cases in the area of the treatment facility, but researchers estimated that the number of people actually infected with coronavirus is between 2,300 and 115,000. The study’s authors emphasized that while they can detect the virus in urine and feces, people are not at risk of getting the disease through sewage. Read More

New Mexico: Partnership Formed to Advance Produced Water Reuse in Agriculture

Two midstream companies have formed a partnership that they hope will lead to a treatment facility in Lea County that recycles oil and gas wastewater for use in agriculture. New Mexico-based Hungry Horse Environmental Services will provide the land and Wyoming-based Encore Environmental Group will provide technology to recycle produced water for agricultural use. New Mexico has established a consortium of researchers and government officials to research regulations on oil and gas produced water reuse. The two companies plan to work with the consortium to develop a conservation-by-design system that complies with the regulations the consortium develops. Read More.

Qatar: Recycled Water for Cooling Saves 2.2 Billion Gallons of Potable Water Annually

As much as 70% of Qatar’s electricity demand is for air conditioning. District cooling (DC) is a system that uses 40% less energy and with recycled water, significantly less potable water. Qatar has 20 DC plants using recycled water for the cooling plant operation, which saved about 2.2 billion gallons of potable water last year. Minimizing air conditioning’s electricity and potable water demand will help Qatar effectively cool the 2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums. Read more.

WateReuse Communications Tools and Resources

Understanding Potable Reuse: New Video Targets Public Health and Medical Community

The WateReuse Association’s new video, Understanding Potable Reuse: A Safe and Sustainable Supply, discusses the proven, science-based treatment processes that are used safely in communities around the world. In the video, experts from academia, public health, and utilities discuss the value of engaging with the medical community and including discussions of water in public health education. The video was produced as part of the WateReuse Public Health and Medical Community Initiative.

Conferences and Events

Webcast: Breaking Down Implementation Barriers for Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems

What are the key components of a successful onsite non-potable water system? Join us April 15 at 2 pm to learn about a Water Research Foundation guidance manual and interactive training modules to tackle critical knowledge gaps businesses and utilities. The presentation will cover treatment goals, effective design, strategies for effective operation and monitoring, and regulatory and permitting frameworks. Register Now!

Webcast: Managing Teams Remotely During Times of Crisis

Managing teams remotely is challenging in the best of times, but in times of crisis, executives and team leaders need to develop an entirely new set of management skills to ensure their teams feel supported and cared for as they work to remain productive. Join us on April 16 at 12 pm ET to learn from Dr. Bill Mitchell, COO of MoreTalent and former executive of fortune 500 companies, who specializes in helping leaders develop exceptional performing teams through periods of uncertainty and crisis. Register Now!

Webcast: America’s Water Infrastructure Act – Implications for Water Reuse and COVID-19

Are water recycling utilities well prepared to deal with the COVID-19 crisis and other potential future risks? Join us on April 21 at 2 pm ET for a discussion of America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) and risk assessment for utilities. AWIA requires all utilities serving 3,300 or more people to complete a risk and resilience assessment (RRA) for their water systems, followed by the completion of an emergency response plan. This presentation will discuss risk and risk perceptions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Register Now!

Upcoming Events

WateReuse Texas 2024 Conference
Sep 9 – Sep 12 all-day
WRPNW – Reuse Communications Happy Hour
Sep 11 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Calling Reuse Communicators!

You are invited to join us for a conversation about water reuse communications in the Pacific Northwest. The success of reuse projects in the PNW hinges on community support which is only made possible through effective communication. Join other WateReuse communications professionals and advocates from the Pacific Northwest for a workshop to share your experience and support effective communication in the region.

What: Join us Wednesday, September 11th at City of Boise City Hall starting at 8:00 AM with an opportunity for networking and donuts. We will get to know each other, spend some time discussing gaps and opportunities for communication in our region, and take the beginning steps toward aligning on common terminology and language. We will explore communication opportunities and gaps in the region and align on stakeholders and language.


  1. DONUTS, COFFEE, Introductions/ Networking Icebreaker
  2. 8:30 AM KICKOFF
  3. Gap Identification—“What do you need to be effective?”
  4. Terminology Round table
  5. Subcommittee solicitation/ call to action

When: Wednesday, September 11th 8:00- 10:30 AM


City of Boise City Hall

150 N Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702


Please RSVP to Natalie Monro (nhnida@cob.org) by September 5th. Thank you!

2024 WateReuse California Conference
Sep 15 – Sep 17 all-day
2024 WateReuse California Conference

2024 WateReuse California Conference
Garden Grove, CA
September 15-17, 2024


The WateReuse California Annual Conference welcomes over 700 water professionals for three days of networking, technical sessions, and panels on the most pressing water reuse issues in the state. The conference includes the Annual California Reuse Awards of Excellence ceremony and much more.


Central Coast Chapter Mixer
Sep 15 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us for our annual chapter mixer which will be held Sunday, September 15 from 7-8:30 PM. The event will be held at Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing Company, right across the street from the conference hotel in Garden Grove. This event is always one of our chapter highlights of the year and is a great opportunity to connect.

WateReuse California Legislative-Regulatory Committee Meeting
Sep 16 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Please find below the 2024 schedule for the Legislative-Regulatory Committee. All in-person meetings will be held at the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Sacramento offices located at: 1121 L Street, Suite 900, Sacramento.]


Both in-person and virtual meetings will occur from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Those indicated as virtual will occur over Zoom and a link will be provided on the agenda.


The 2024 WRCA Annual Conference will be at the: Hyatt Regency Orange County.


Please save the date for our 2024 meeting dates:


1. January 19 – in person

2. March 8 – virtual

3. March 22 – in person

4. April 12 – virtual

5. May 10 – in person

6. May 31 – virtual

7. June 21 – virtual

8. August 9 – virtual

9. September 16 – in person (at annual conference)

Potable Reuse Permitting & Compliance Meeting
Sep 16 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
The committee will meet next in person at the 2024 WateReuse California Conference on
Monday, September 16, 3:30  — 4:30 PM
Hyatt – Salons VII – VIII (Second floor)
Pacific Northwest Section Meeting
Sep 17 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
WateReuse Ohio Section Webcast: Using reclaimed water to meet data center demands – Considerations for small utilities
Sep 19 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

This presentation will span municipal and industrial drivers for the use of reclaimed water at data centers, and how those shared drivers lend themselves to unique cost share/funding opportunities. Water quality considerations will be discussed, including those that determine reclaimed water compatibility for data center use and those that determine return flow compatibility with municipal systems. Lastly, recommendations will be shared for the achievement of long-term, mutually beneficial water reuse relationships.



Ken Horner, PE – Senior Associate – Industrial Water | Corporate Lead for Data Centers, Hazen and Sawyer

Stephanie Ishii, PhD, PE – Director of Integrated Resource Technologies, Hazen and Sawyer


Moderator: Tiffani Kavalec.



WateReuse Colorado Meeting
Sep 19 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Agenda will be provided via email as we get closer to the meeting date.

WRCA Los Angeles Chapter Meeting
Oct 8 all-day

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

Join Today