WateReuse Webcast: Carbon Based Advanced Treatment for Water Reuse. Sponsored by Hazen & Sawyer

11 am PT | 2 pm ET (1 hour)
WateReuse Members: Free; Others: $49
PDHs: 1
With water supply limitations driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and climate change, along with more stringent regulatory requirements for wastewater discharges, direct or indirect potable reuse is becoming increasingly essential to address water resiliency issues. Carbon Based Advanced Treatment (CBAT) has increasingly been adopted as a treatment solution to treat municipal effluent to provide a safe, reliable augmentation of drinking water supplies.
CBAT involves the use of biologically activated carbon (BAC) usually with ozone, followed by granular activated carbon (GAC) to achieve advanced treatment of water. It may also include flocculation/sedimentation and UV disinfection. Join a panel of experts to explore the various combinations of this process, and get updates on key case studies using CBAT for potable reuse.
- Andrew Newbold, Principal Engineer, Hazen & Sawyer
- Gaya Ram Mohan, PhD, PE, Environmental Engineer, Hazen & Sayer
- Erik Rosenfeldt, PhD, PE, National Drinking Water Practice Leader, Hazen & Sawyer