Potable Reuse Permitting to Startup: The Pure Water Monterey Journey (Webcast)

Learn about the potable reuse process from start to finish and the coordinated efforts required to pioneer new concepts, overcome hiccups, and secure a critical new water supply.
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2:00 – 3:30 pm Eastern | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Pacific
WateReuse Members: Free
Others: $49
PDHs: 1.5
In today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable world, communities will be looking to potable reuse with increased need, new challenges, and tightened budgets. This panel session will quickly move through the journey of California’s recently commissioned and first-of-its-kind potable reuse project – Pure Water Monterey (PWM).
PWM treats and purifies four types of source water – municipal wastewater, agricultural drainage water, industrial wash water, and urban stormwater runoff – before injecting the water into a local drinking water basin through a public-private partnership. Learn about the potable reuse process from start to finish and the coordinated efforts required to pioneer new concepts, overcome hiccups, and secure a critical new water supply.
- Permitting: PWM was the first new Advanced Water Purification Facility to be permitted under the 2014 adopted regulations for indirect potable reuse. Extensive coordination and communication between the project team, the Division of Drinking Water, and the Regional Board will help guide future projects.
- Design + Construction: Designing with constructability, start up, and operations in mind is key. Through sequential construction photos, 3D renderings, and drone footage, a firsthand look will be used to feature design elements that help streamline construction.
- Startup: Startups are challenging. They involve coordination with multiple parties (e.g. owner, contractor, construction manager, vendors, engineers, subcontractors, and regulators) over an optimistically planned schedule that can be anything but predictable. Special emphasis will be given to aspects unique to startup of AWPFs for potable reuse, including regulatory requirements such as the AOP Acceptance Test and DDW plant inspection.
- Mike McCullough, Monterey One Water
- Rachel Gaudoin, Monterey One Water
- Elaine Howe, Principal Engineer, Trussell Technologies, elaineh@trusselltech.com
- Denise Conners, Associate, Larry Walker Associates, denisec@lwa.com
- Todd Reynolds, Water Practice Leader, Kennedy Jenks, ToddReynolds@KennedyJenks.com
- Keel Robinson, Principal Engineer, Trussell Technologies,