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Increasing Safe and Reliable Water Supplies

The WateReuse Association is the nation’s only trade association solely dedicated to advancing laws, policy, funding, and public acceptance of recycled water. WateReuse represents a coalition of utilities that recycle water, businesses that support the development of recycled water projects, and consumers of recycled water.

The fundamental principle of water reuse is using the right water for the right purpose, everywhere and all the time. That means aiding and accelerating the natural process of cleaning the water to make it suitable for its intended purpose, from irrigation to industrial uses to drinking.

Our efforts touch on every aspect of promoting water reuse to make it fit for purpose.

WateReuse: What We Do

Since its founding in 1990, WateReuse has advocated for policies, laws and funding at the state and federal level to increase the practice of recycling water. Our national office leads the advocacy efforts with the U.S. Congress and federal agencies, including the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Eleven state sections work with state lawmakers and regulatory agencies to advance state policies on water reuse.

While the science is clear that recycling water is safe, misinformation has contributed to community resistance for water reuse projects. To address that challenge, WateReuse is expanding its efforts to support members in communicating to their customers and constituencies.

Our membership of water utilities, businesses, government agencies and not-for-profit organizations is dedicated to recycling water to ensure communities have a safe, reliable and cost-effective supply of water, which is necessary to sustain a high standard of living and robust economy.

We hope you join us!

Bart Weiss, Hillsborough County Public Utilities

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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