
Potentially Infectivity Assay for Giardia Iamblia Cysts

The project developed a molecular assay that can rapidly discriminate between infectious cysts and cysts unable to cause an infection. Messenger RNA (mRNA) was evaluated as a molecular marker of infectivity....

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Determination of Cryptosporidium and Giardia Occurance, Infectivity, and Genotyping in Wastewater Effluents

The project accrued information to better understand the occurrence of Cryptosporidium in reuse effluents from plants employing various upstream treatment processes (secondary clarification, cloth filtration, sand filtration, and MBRs)....

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Study of Innovative Treatments for Reclaimed Water

The project investigates current and emerging tertiary and advanced treatment technologies for reclaimed water disinfection and chemical constituent destruction....

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Water Reuse 2030: Identifying Future Challenges and Opportunities

The Water Reuse 2030 project explored the future of water reuse to identify how water reuse might help to narrow the gap between water supply and demand....

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Investigating the Feasibility of a Membrane Biofilm Reactor to Achieve Low Nitrogen Levels for Water Reclamation and Reuse

The project explores methods to remove nitrate from secondary effluent to a low level (< 10 mg N/L) for water reclamation purposes using an innovative H2 fueled Membrane Biofilm Reactor (MBfR)....

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Investigation of Membrane Bioreactor Effluent Water Quality and Technology

The project synthesizes a dispersed body of research on the application of MBR technology for municipal wastewater treatment available from literature reviews, case studies, bench and pilot-scale testing, system comparisons, and full-scale demonstrations, and supplements it with effluent quality data predictions obtained from operation scenarios...

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Seasonal Storage of Reclaimed Water

The project developed a set of case studies on seasonal storage of reclaimed water in surface waters or open storage facilities....

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Implications of Future Water Supply Sources for Energy Demands

The project created a user-friendly tool that allows water and energy managers to evaluate the energy and greenhouse gas implications associated with water management decisions....

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Feasibility Study of Offshore Desalination Plants

The project provides an in-depth technical and economic feasibility analysis of the principle offshore desalination design concepts including a comparison between mobile vessel and fixed platform offshore facilities and how they compare to land based facilities....

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