
Bureau of Reclamation Invests $50 Million in Water Reuse Projects

The WateReuse Association applauds Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell’s recent announcement that the federal government will invest $50 million in water reuse and conservation projects in 12 western states. The funding comes from the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSmart program, which has provided about $250...

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Performance and Cost Review of Existing Desalination Plants which use Conventional and Membrane Pretreatment Processes Prior to RO

The project will provide utilities with information on key criteria that can assist during the planning phase for membrane desalination plants, related to the evaluation of different pre-treatment processes....

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White Paper on the Feasibility of Establishing a Framework for Public Health Monitoring

The project will determine whether it is technically feasible to identify acute and chronic population risks attributable to consumption of water produced by direct potable reuse technologies, and evaluate the feasibility of collecting and interpreting such information....

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Predicting RO Removal of Toxicologically Relevant Unique Organics

The project will predict removal efficiency of compounds identified by state or federal regulatory agencies of potential public health concern by reverse osmosis (RO), and predict removal of compounds that may be precursors of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) of potential health concern....

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Tools for Surface Water Nutrient Loading Attributable to Reclaimed Water

The project will obtain a better understanding of nutrient fate and transport processes relevant to water reuse loading conditions in order to develop a nutrient tool that can convert site specific water reuse volumetric loading assessments to corresponding water reuse nutrient loading assessments;...

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Impact of Mainstream Low DO Conditions at a Full-scale MBR Water Reuse Plant

The project will explore the use of novel organisms (i.e. low DO nitrifiers such as ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB)/ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA), nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and/or anoxic ammonium oxidation- ANAMMOX bacteria) in a main stream MBR plant to reduce energy consumption and O&M costs...

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Standard Methods for Integrity Testing and On-line Monitoring of NF and RO Membranes

The project will create scientifically-based method(s) for the integrity testing of high pressure membranes, including nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes....

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Management of Legionella in Water Reclamation Systems

The project will demonstrate that there is a method for addressing health concerns related to Legionella. Since Legionella has been shown to be present in drinking water distribution systems, we want to assess the relative risk and provide an appropriate action to be taken....

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Emerging Energy-Reducing Technologies for Desalination Applications

The project will independently test the most promising desalination processes or equipment to verify manufacturer claims of reduced energy consumption in order to accelerate industry adaptation of recently developed commercial products or processes by minimizing the time to widespread application....

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WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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