
WateReuse Mid-Atlantic

The Mid-Atlantic Section of WateReuse was established in June 2022 to advance water recycling programs and regulations in the state. Check back soon for more news and information.


Amanda Waters
Section President

Mid-Atlantic Profile in Reuse

Since the 1940s when Baltimore began diverting millions of gallons of recycled water to the Bethlehem Steel plant to be reused for steel production, water reuse has helped the region’s communities meet their freshwater needs. During the 1970s, Northern Virginia’s booming population and degraded stream water quality led to the creation of the Upper Occoquan Service Authority and the longest operating potable reuse system in the United States. Fast forward to today, communities and businesses in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia continue to use water reuse as a water management tool helping with aquifer recharge, industrial cooling, and irrigating farm fields, golf courses, and other turf.

Check out the WateReuse Mid-Atlantic Profile In Reuse with simple facts, figures, and case studies – and share it with everyone from policymakers to students.

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WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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