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May 14, 2018

Washington Update

Senate Unveils Water Resources Development Act of 2018

WateReuse Joins Letter Supporting Bill Reinstating Advance Refunding

WateReuse Supports Water Infrastructure Resiliency Bill

Reclamation Launches Competition Seeking Improved Pathogen Removal Methods for Water Reuse

EPA List of Planned Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions Released, Includes WOTUS Rule

EPA Announces New Study on Oil and Gas Wastewater Management, include Onsite Reuse

EPA Seeking Nominations for National Drinking Water Advisory Council

Department of Energy Examining Use of Competitions to Address Critical Water Issues

Washington Calendar for Key Water Reuse-related Programs


State Updates and Member Profiles

Welcome New Members!

The WateReuse Association welcomes the following new members:

California: WateReuse California Submits Comments on Intended Use Plan for CWSRF

WateReuse California submitted comments last Wednesday to the State Water Resources Control Board on its draft Intended Use Plan (IUP) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), a major source of funding for recycled water projects in California. The draft IUP proposes a number of significant changes that respond to the unprecedented interest in the CWSRF. In its letter, WateReuse California recommended the creation of an annual list of applications eligible for funding to create certainty for agencies in their planning. The section also offered support for partial funding, reimbursing constructions costs, removing prioritization from regional boards, and developing a tri-annual report on CWSRF performance.

California: Santa Monica to Capture and Recycle Stormwater Runoff

The City of Santa Monica is nearing completion of the second project in series aimed at transforming rain runoff into a recyclable resource. Downtown Santa Monica runoff that has been funneled to the Bay will be diverted and captured in a newly installed 1.6 million gallon water tank. Beginning in August, the captured water will be piped to a nearby facility for treatment, and then the recycled water will be used for irrigation, flushing toilets, or to recharge groundwater supplies. Read More.

California: Survey Shows Strong Public Support for Recycled Water

Eighty-seven percent of Californians are willing to use recycled water in their daily lives, according to a survey released April 30 by WateReuse Association member Xylem. The survey also found that Californians across the political spectrum support using recycled water as an additional local water supply, regardless of water shortages. More than 90 percent believe it is important to adopt solutions to safeguard the water supply, including expanding the availability of recycled water. Read More.

California: Long Beach Selects Technology to Treat and Reuse Stormwater

The City of Long Beach recently awarded a $4.41 million contract to Purifics Water to purchase purification equipment to treat stormwater for recycling and reuse. The recycled water will be used to irrigate parks and sustain a wetlands habitat. The stormwater reuse project is part of a larger venture called the Long Beach Municipal Urban Stormwater Treatment Project. Read More.

California: Pajaro Valley Celebrates Upgrades to Recycling Plant for Farmers

WateReuse Association member the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency on May 3 celebrated $5 million worth of upgrades to a water recycling plant that provides water to the local agricultural industry. The upgrades included a 1.5 million gallon storage tank, the installation of new pumps, and energy efficiency improvements. As a result of the upgrades, growers no longer need to schedule access to the irrigation water. Read More.

Colorado: New Laws Allow Toilet Flushing and Crop Irrigation with Recycled Water

Two water reuse bills that recently passed the Colorado legislature have become law in different ways. On April 30, Gov. John Hickenlooper signed Colorado House Bill 1069, which allows reclaimed water to be used for toilet flushing. The governor announced, however, that he would allow Colorado House Bill 1093 to become law without his signature. HB 1093 allows the use of reclaimed water to irrigate food crops. Read More.

Florida: State Celebrates Water Reuse Week

May 13-19, 2018 is Florida Water Reuse Week! WateReuse Florida issued a proclamation in March announcing the week-long celebration. Water management districts and utilities across the state are participating, including the South Florida Water Management District, St. Johns River Water Management District, and Southwest Florida Water Management District. WateReuse Florida also will host a water reuse spring workshop on Tuesday, May 15.


Association News

2018 Awards for Excellence in Water Reuse: Nominations Due June 27

The WateReuse Association is accepting nominations for the 2018 Awards for Excellence in Water Reuse through Wednesday, June 27. The WateReuse Awards for Excellence celebrate communities, businesses, public-private partnerships, non-profit organizations and individuals that are making significant contributions toward advancing the adoption of water reuse in their community or elsewhere. The award categories have been modernized to showcase and celebrate the wide range of innovative ways in which water reuse is being deployed across the country, and the individuals and organizations leading these efforts. Learn More.


Conferences and Events

WateReuse Florida Hosting Spring Workshop in Tampa

Join WateReuse Florida in celebrating Reuse Week in Florida with the Every Drop has Value Spring Workshop. This year’s event includes a tour of the City of Tampa’s David L. Tippin Water Treatment Plant at 8:30 a.m. A series of technical presentations and panel sessions begin at 10 a.m. Lunch and refreshments are included in the cost of registration. Learn More and Register.

Registration Opens This Week for the 33rd Annual WateReuse Symposium

Learn “What’s Working, What’s New, and What’s Next in Water Reuse” at the 33rd Annual WateReuse Symposium, September 9-12, 2018, at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas. The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the nation’s premier conference on water reuse and the only conference dedicated solely to advancing the policy, technology, innovation and public acceptance of recycled water. Registration opens in May! Learn More.

WateReuse to Exhibit at ACE18

The WateReuse Association will host an exhibit booth at ACE18, the Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Water Works Association, on June 12-14 at the Mandalay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. ACE18 is set to inspire and connect the water sector with innovative solutions and new insights to help solve global water challenges. Register for the conference by May 24 for the best rates. Learn More.

WateReuse Executive Director Participates in Two Events

WateReuse Association Executive Director Pat Sinicropi participated in two events last week, contributing to the growing water reuse discussion among water professionals across the nation. Sinicropi moderated a session on Improving Reuse Practices and Communication at the 2018 Water Research Foundation Conference, held May 6-8 in Atlanta, Georgia. The association was also a Supporting Organization for the conference. Sinicropi also presented on Opportunities and Challenges in Water Reuse at the 2018 Chesapeake Water Environment Association/American Water Works Association Spring Meeting in Chevy Chase, Maryland on May 10.

 Upcoming Events

Join WateReuse

WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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