

With historic droughts and growing demand, water reuse is making headlines as a viable, reliable, safe and locally controlled supply of water for communities across the nation. Stay connected with the latest news on projects and policy related to water reuse.

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Bureau of Reclamation Announces Plans to Invest $23 Million in Water Reuse and Efficiency

Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Estevan López released plans February 8 to spend an additional $23 million this year to support water reuse and efficiency, including $9 million for the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program, $9 million for WaterSMART Grants, and $5 million to...

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EPA Survey Shows $6.1 Billion Needed for Recycled Water Infrastructure

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a survey January 13 showing that $271 billion is needed to maintain and improve the nation’s wastewater infrastructure, including the pipes that carry wastewater to treatment plants, the technology that treats the water, and methods for managing stormwater...

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Associations Unite in Support of Water Reuse Investment

The WateReuse Association joined seven other water sectors groups last week in urging the Bureau of Reclamation to use a portion of newly received drought response funds to invest in water reuse activities. Under the fiscal year 2016 omnibus appropriations legislation approved by Congress and...

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California gets $1.2 billion boost for more water recycling projects

The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted a resolution January 5 authorizing the sale of $1.2 billion in revenue bonds for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (Clean Water Fund) to meet financing demands for water projects. With nearly a 40...

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One Water Research Agenda Gains Momentum with the Proposed Merger of Powerhouse Research Foundations

Water Environment Research Foundation and WateReuse Research Foundation Announce Plans to Merge The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) and the WateReuse Research Foundation (WRRF) Boards of Directors have unanimously agreed to take the steps necessary to merge and integrate. The two organizations recognize and value...

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Interior Announces Increase in Water Investment through the Newly Created Natural Resource Investment Center

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced December 15 that the department will establish a Natural Resource Investment Center to spur partnerships with the private sector to develop creative financing opportunities that support economic development goals while advancing the department’s resource stewardship mission. At...

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Meeker to Moderate at White House Roundtable on Water Innovation

WateReuse Executive Director Melissa L. Meeker will be one of the moderators at a White House Roundtable on Water Innovation on Tuesday, December 15.  The roundtable will highlight how an aggressive innovation agenda can help America meet the challenge of a constrained water supply and...

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Metropolitan Partners With Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County to Explore Regional Recycled Water Supply Program

The first step toward the potential development of a large-scale regional treatment project to purify wastewater currently discharged into the Pacific Ocean and instead use it to recharge local groundwater basins was approved November 10 by Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors. The board authorized...

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Leadership in Recycled Water Celebrated at Annual WateReuse Awards Ceremony

The WateReuse Association presented the 2015 WateReuse Award of Excellence to nine leaders in alternative water supply development during a September 15 luncheon in Seattle, WA held in conjunction with the 30th Annual WateReuse Symposium. “Our awards committee selected leadership as the theme for this...

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