Home\Engage\Conferences\2025 WateReuse Symposium\2025 WateReuse Student Contest\2025 WateReuse Student Contest Submission Form

2025 WateReuse Student Contest Submission Form

2025 WateReuse Art Contest

Students, parent/guardians, or teachers can fill out this form to share submissions for the 2025 WateReuse Student art contest.

Please provide the name of the student submitting, or name of teacher if you are submitting on behalf of your students.
Provide an email to receive updates on contest winners.
Street address, city and zipcode
If you are submitting an image of your art for consideration, please upload it here. Submit art in JPEG or PNG formats. Please title each image with the student’s name, grade, and school name as its file name, e.g. “Jeni_R_8th_Lincolin.jpg” If you want to submit your art as a link to a video site or other URL, you may skip this field and include it in the following field.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB.
    If you are submitting a video or other art piece that you have uploaded to the web or social media, please add the URL in the field below. Please ensure that the link is publicly viewable with no restrictions.
    Optional: student will be recognized when WateReuse shares the winning submissions.
    Optional: school will be recognized when WateReuse shares the winning submissions.
    Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Upload a completed Parental Permission Form for each student submission.

    By submitting, I am allowing the WateReuse Association to utilize this entry for educational or promotional purposes and acknowledge that all entries become the property of the WateReuse Association and may not be returned. I adhere all the WateReuse Association’s Student Contest Guidelines and Polices.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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