35th Annual WateReuse Symposium Plenary Sessions
Monday Opening General Session (7:30 – 10:00 am)
Welcome from Mayor Michael Hancock (invited)
Keynote – Peter Kageyama, Author of For the Love of Cities
Peter speaks about emotional engagement with PLACES – cities, towns, villages, schools and neighborhoods. Good things happen when more people become emotionally engaged with their places, when more people fall in love with those places. Peter talks about how to create the set of conditions where love is more likely to happen and how to encourage people to go from saying they love a place to actually doing something for that place. He talks about the importance of small, inexpensive and sometimes even silly expressions of that love for making great places.
Peter has a BA from The Ohio State University in Political Science and a JD from Case Western Reserve University. His first book, For the Love of Cities, was noted as a Top 10 Book in Urban Planning and Development by Planetizen in 2012. He is a Senior Fellow with the Alliance for Innovation, a national network of city leaders and professional managers. Peter’s latest book, The Emotional Infrastructure of Places, explores how we create emotional attachments and connections to our places and to each other, which in turn allows us to take on the biggest and most complex problems facing our societies today.
Plenary Panel on Reaching New Heights in Water Reuse
This session illustrates Symposium theme, Reaching New Heights in Water Reuse, in the context of the WateReuse Association’s 30thh anniversary. The discussion explores how water reuse has evolved over the past three decades in terms of its use applications, and how it might develop in the future.
Moderator: Gilbert Trejo
Tuesday Operators Plenary Session
This session will explore the state of workforce for water recycling operations, both onsite and centralized systems. It will touch on:
- Useful tools for operating their systems
- Daily challenges in operating their systems
- Aspects of their reuse work they take pride in
- What steps management has taken to build a diverse, skilled, and talented workforce pipeline
Wednesday Morning: Envisioning Charrette, State Regulator Report-out, State of Research
- State Regulator’s report out
- Envisioning the Future: Water reuse charrette — envisioning a future with water reuse: interactive audience experience exploring how communities, businesses, institutions, farmers and others can begin imagining and constructing a future in which water recycling is a central feature.
- State of Water Reuse Research (Peter Grevatt, The Water Research Foundation)