Webcast: Control of Unregulated CECs and DBPs in Potable Reuse Projects
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2:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Pacific
WateReuse Members: Free
Others: $49
PDHs: 1
Although advanced water purification effectively and efficiently removes pollutants, there is potential for trace levels of unregulated constituents to be present in all treated drinking water. Improvements in analytical instrumentation now allow scientists to measure constituents of emerging concern (CECs) and disinfection byproducts (DBPs) at very low concentrations. Please join us for a discussion of the latest science on the prevalence of CECs and DBPs in water reclamation and water reuse and a framework for monitoring and controlling CECs and DBPs in potable reuse. The presentation will include an in depth overview of effective treatment practices, including source control, unit process removal efficacy, and overall treatment train performance. The guidance and best practices provided will help you ensure that you are incorporating the latest science and technology in your treatment approaches.
- Larry Schimmoller, Global Technology Leader for Water Reuse, Jacobs
- Eric Dickenson, Water Quality R&D Manager, Southern Nevada Water Authority