Building Infrastructure Locally for Decentralized Water Systems (BILD)

BILD is a collaborative global community of practice working to uncover opportunities, advance implementation, and spread transformative solutions related to decentralized water systems to support the efficient use and reuse of water.

In many parts of the world, the approach to water and sanitation services incorporates large-scale centralized systems with extensive piping networks. For some communities with centralized water and sanitation systems, they can pose economic, social, and environmental challenges to the communities they serve. Moreover, centralized water infrastructure may limit flexibility, adaptability, and overall resilience amidst emerging extreme events due to climate change.
Download the BILD Overview for more details. Last updated December 2024
To meet future water and sanitation challenges, we must transform not only our water infrastructure, but how we think about water by creating opportunities to engage and mobilize local communities. One promising approach is to incorporate decentralized water systems, also referred to as onsite water systems, that collect and treat diverse water sources for reuse within individual buildings and across multiple properties, thereby bringing communities in more direct contact with their water systems.
BILD is a new initiative brought by the National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Water Systems (NBRC) to help build cross-sector coalitions to expand decentralized water systems and is currently seeking members to help guide new initiatives for implementation.
Become a BILD Partner
BILD is recruiting additional participants in preparation for an inaugural virtual meeting in on March 5 2025, 8:00-10:00am PST | 11:00am-1:00pm EST. The meeting will emphasize BILD’s commitment to both open exchange of new information and defining actionable next steps. The meeting will focus on defining action plans on four key themes: public health, sustainable technology/innovation, communication, and capacity building. The meeting results will be compiled into a white paper to help promote BILD and individual work groups will form to continue developing different initiatives and action plans.
If you are interested in participating in BILD, please complete the form below.
BILD is a partnership among National Blue Ribbon Commission for Onsite Water Systems, WateReuse Association, US EPA, regulators, utilities, design engineers, product manufacturers, operators, non-governmental organizations, and academia working together in the spirit of collaboration to implement decentralized water infrastructure to address our water challenges. BILD is chaired by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and convened by WateReuse Association.