Panel Discussion: California’s Draft Direct Potable Reuse Regulations
April 14, 2021
The California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) released the first draft of the much anticipated criteria for DPR regulations for California. This action marks a major milestone in the development of potable reuse regulations for California. The release of the criteria is the culmination of a decade advocacy, legislation and research by WRCA and its members. WRCA will use this discussion to develop comments for the Water Board and the DPR Expert Panel to consider as they further develop the regulations.
Presenters and Panelists
Shane Trussell, Ph.D., P.E., President
Trussell Technologies
John Stufflebean, Assistant Director, Pure Water and Technical Services
Public Utilities Department
City of San Diego
Heather Collins, Water Treatment Manager
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Medi Sinaki, P.E., Senior Engineer, Recycled and Purified Water Unit
Valley Water
Jesus Gonzalez, Manager Recycled Water Program
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power