
The Effects of Salinity on the Removal of Contaminants of Concern during Biological Water Reclamation

The project examines the effect of cation composition on the removal of hydrophobic contaminants of concern during wastewater treatment....

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Selection and Testing of Tracers for Measuring Travel Times in Groundwater Aquifers Augmented with Reclaimed Water

The project identifies, selects, and tests environmentally acceptable tracers for measuring travel times of reclaimed water and its constituents in recharge systems....

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Methods for Detection of Residual Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide in Advanced Oxidation Processes

The project developed a laboratory method for reliable quantification of hydrogen peroxide in the 0.5- to 5-mg/L concentration range that is effective in a natural water matrix as well as in the presence of combined chlorine (chloramine)....

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A Protocol for Estimating Potential Water Quality Impacts of Recycled Projects

The project developed a standardized process, or framework, with associated analytical tools, for evaluating potential groundwater quality impacts that could result from incidental recharge by recycled water beneficially used for irrigation or stored in ponds....

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Developing a Pragmatic Research Agenda for Examining the Value of Water Supply Reliability

The project developed a pragmatic agenda for research on the value of water supply reliability....

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Evaluating Pricing Levels and Structures to Support Reclaimed Water Systems

The project built around the triple bottom line concepts for sustainability. The project includes a technical reference and a computer model that allows utilities to simulate different reclaimed pricing strategies while quantifying the environmental and social impacts of implementing a reclaimed water program....

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Decision Support System for Selection of Satellite versus Regional Treatment for Reuse Systems

The project developed the Decision Support System (DSS) tool, which provide a broadly applicable, standardized approach to evaluating satellite wastewater reclamation systems as an alternative to traditional regional wastewater reclamation facilities....

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Collecting, Exploring and Interpreting Microbiological Data Associated with Reclaimed Water Systems

The project developed a guidance manual to provide users with a context for collecting, exploring, and interpreting microbiological data associated with reclaimed water....

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A Reconnaissance-Level Quantitative Comparison of Reclaimed Water, Surface Water and Groundwater

The project provides insight into the occurrence and distribution of constituents that occur typically in very low concentrations, e.g., micrograms per liter or nanograms per liter, in reclaimed water, groundwater, and surface water....

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