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Pilot-Scale Oxidative Technologies for Reducing Fouling Potential in Water Reuse and Drinking Water Membranes

The project investigates the potential for pilot-scale oxidative technologies (ozone and UV advanced oxidation) placed upstream of membrane treatment to reduce the organic fouling of RO membranes during drinking water treatment and reuse applications....

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Role of Retention Time in the Environmental Buffer of Indirect Potable Reuse Projects: An Investigation on Managed Aquifer Recharge

This project develops relationships between the removal of pathogens and attenuation of chemical contaminants and retention time, system characteristics, and operating conditions to provide better guidance for design and operation of MAR systems....

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Balancing Engineered Storage, Treatment, and Monitoring in Direct Potable Reuse

Indirect potable reuse (IPR) is an important and increasing part of our nation’s water supply portfolio....

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Why Join?

Why Join? Benefits of Membership Effective Advocacy at the Federal Level Comprehensive and coordinated approach to advancing legislation, regulatory reform and funding in the nation’s capital. Support and coordination of lobbying activities for members Washington Fly-In, an annual advocacy event Capital Update, periodic news and...

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National Policy and Regulation

National Policy and Regulation The legislative and executive branches of the federal government play an important role in advancing water reuse around the nation. U.S. Congress In the U.S. House of Representatives, the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans  is responsible for federal laws governing...

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Drivers, Successes, Challenges and Opportunities for Onsite Industrial Water Reuse

Increased competition for water resources is helping to build the business case for the sustainable use of water and leading industrial users to put a higher value on water’s strategic role in risk mitigation....

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Onsite Industrial Water Reclamation: Implementation Issues and Research Needs

To watch this webcast, you must login as a member. If you have questions about your membership, please contact membership@watereuse.org. Login / Register / Forgot Password Username or Email Address Password Remember Me...

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Establishing Nitrification Reliability Guidelines for Water Reuse

This project is intended to build a foundation for the water reuse industry to begin differentiating between disinfection by free-chlorine and chloramines....

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WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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