Home\Latest News\Infrastructure Act Implementation Update: January 28, 2022

Infrastructure Act Implementation Update: January 28, 2022

Date: January 28, 2022

WateReuse and EPA Discuss Interagency Working Group on Water Reuse

As Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding begins to roll out, WateReuse Association continues to meet with federal agencies on implementation. This week, WateReuse met with Radhika Fox, Assistant Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water and other water associations to discuss top priorities of 2022. Assistant Administrator Fox spoke to the Agency’s commitment to roll out the $50 billion investment in water swiftly as well as implementing additional IIJA provisions like the Interagency Working Group on Water Reuse. EPA and WateReuse affirmed our continued partnership in implementation of the infrastructure law, ensuring State Revolving Funds are disseminated to communities across the U.S. Top among the Agency’s priorities are supporting underserved communities, building climate resilience, and ensuring cybersecurity.

WateReuse, EPA and OMB Discuss Build America, Buy America Provision

WateReuse and partner water associations also held a briefing with Assistant Administrator Fox and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to discuss the water sector’s concerns with the implementation of the Build America, Buy America provision of the infrastructure law. EPA expressed its commitment to quickly delivering guidance on implementation ahead of the May 14th deadline set by Congress. Earlier this month, WateReuse joined with other associations to submit a joint letter to the OMB and EPA outlining the impacts.

WateReuse continues to partner with the Administration to advance water recycling and remains engaged on implementation of the historic infrastructure law.

For additional program details, WateReuse encourages our members to review the Water Recycling Practitioner’s Guide to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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