Home\Advocacy\Final Push – Engage Your Congressional Delegation to Fund Water Reuse Priorities!

Final Push – Engage Your Congressional Delegation to Fund Water Reuse Priorities!

Date: October 18, 2024

This summer, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees began passing their FY 2025 funding bills for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Bureau of Reclamation. House and Senate appropriators are reviewing their two different versions of the legislation and are racing to make final decisions before their upcoming December 20 deadline to pass appropriations legislation. We need your help to ensure that Congress fully funds critical water recycling programs!

How to take action:

  • Call the Capitol switchboard today at (202) 224-3121 to reach your representatives and senators.
  • Ask for the staffer who handles water issues and tell them that you are calling about FY 2025 appropriations. Leaving a message is fine!
  • Make the asks listed below, and briefly explain why these investments are important to the communities you serve.
  • You can also use this template letter if you prefer to send an email rather than calling.
  • For more information or to prepare before you make your ask, contact Greg Fogel at gfogel@watereuse.org or 805-570-3038. Thank you!

Title XVI-WIIN Water Reclamation and Reuse Grants Program

Program summary:        
The Title XVI-WIIN Water Reuse Grant Program provides federal cost share for water recycling projects in 17 Western states. The program has helped communities across the West build drought resilience, keep nutrients and other pollutants out of sensitive waterways, save billions of dollars relative to importing water, and grow sustainable economies. It is a key economic and climate resiliency tool.

Our ask:
The FY 2025 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill must include at least $20,000,000 for projects as authorized in section 4009(c) of the WIIN Act (Public Law 114-322), and at least $10 million for congressionally authorized Title XVI projects, for a total of at least $30 million for the Title XVI Program. Congress must reject the proposed cut to the Title XVI Program included in the Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill.

Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Grants

Program summary:        
If funded, the Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Grants would become the first nationwide program dedicated to advancing water reuse. Competitive grants would be available to state, interstate, and intrastate water resource development agencies to engineer, design, construct, and test alternative water source systems, including water reuse systems.

Our ask:                           
Include $25 million for the Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Grants, Section 220 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1300) in the FY 2025 Interior-Environment Appropriations bill so that communities across the country can access cost-share funding for their water recycling projects. Tell your senators how this federal investment would help your community build water resiliency, protect public health and the environment, and support local economic development.

Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs

Program summary:        
The Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Programs are long-standing water infrastructure programs that have funded hundreds of water recycling projects over the years. EPA allocates capitalizations grants to states, which in turn provide low-interest loans to utilities and other eligible entities.

Our ask:                           
Increase funding for the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Programs in the FY 2025 Interior-Environment Appropriations bill. Demand for SRF loans far outstrips available dollars, limiting communities’ ability to access financing for water recycling and other water infrastructure projects. Moreover, Congress must fund Clean Water and Drinking Water earmarks on top of and in addition to rather than from within funding for SRF capitalization grants. The current approach of funding earmarks from within the SRF capitalization grants budget is undermining states’ ability to operate and maintain viable revolving loan programs.

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