Home\WateReuse Florida\Potable Reuse Commission Workshop

Potable Reuse Commission Workshop

April 6, 2018 @ 9:00 am
the Kissimmee Civic Center
201 E Dakin Ave
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Mark E Elsner, P.E. Secretary/Treasurer WateReuse Florida

The Florida Potable Reuse Commission (PRC) invites you to participate in a workshop to help in the development of recommendations for the regulatory framework for the implementation of potable reuse within Florida as another water resource alternative to help ensure Florida’s water resources are sustainable. The purpose of the workshop is to review the goals and objectives of the PRC and to solicit input on potential recommendations for the regulatory framework. The PRC encourages and welcomes your participation at this workshop to ensure the process includes your thoughts and perspective. Please forward this announcement to others.

The PRC is a consensus driven partnership between the Florida WateReuse Association, Florida Section American Water Works Association and Florida Water Environment Association and is comprised of representatives from utilities, agriculture, environment, public health, universities, and the business community. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and State water management districts have expressed support for the PRC.

For more information including the workshop agenda, past meeting agendas and meeting minutes, presentations, future PRC meeting dates and general information, please visit the WateReuse Florida Website: http://www.watereuseflorida.com/potable-reuse-commission/

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