Central Coast Chapter Meeting
Our next WateReuse Central Coast chapter meeting will be on Thursday, May 16th from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the City of Camarillo North Pleasant Valley Groundwater Desalter. We will follow a hybrid in-person and online format with a presentation and chapter update from 12-1p followed by a site tour of the facility from 1-2p for the in-person folks. The facility transforms unusable brackish groundwater into a local source of high-quality and affordable drinking water while also removing damaging salts from the regional watershed. The treated groundwater can produce up to 3,800 acre-feet per year of potable water. The desalter was just named the Outstanding Water/Wastewater Treatment Project of the Year by ASCE Region 9.
Please RSVP here for in-person or online by May 10th if you plan to join the meeting. Lunch will be provided for those who attend in-person. Due to space constraints, in-person attendance will be limited to the first 20 people who RSVP.