Home\2024 WateReuse Texas Conference


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For more information about the workshop and tours, visit here

Reuse 101 Boot Camp: An Introduction from the Experts:

The workshop will include a section to review reuse case studies and discuss how each addressed issues such as funding, public outreach, the regulatory process, and planning/implementation/operations.

Water Finance Exchange Presents: Funding the Future Reuse Funding Workshop

Organized in partnership with Water Finance Exchange (WFX) National and state experts will share their expertise in planning for, identifying, and securing funding for water projects with a focus on reuse projects. The workshop will include a breakout session to discuss specific reuse challenges and opportunities with WFX experts and panelists and conclude with a networking portion for open conversations with state and federal agency representatives.  

Workshop 3: Planning for a Future with Reuse

How to plan for the future of water sustainability through reuse, including case studies on various sized utilities currently implementing a reuse or One Water approach, recruiting for the reuse workforce of the future, and more.

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Watereuse Texas Conference

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WateReuse is the only trade association that focuses solely on advancing laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse. Our niche strategy sets us apart from other organizations in the water industry.

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