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Carlsberg and Kimberly-Clark Win Global Industrial Water Reuse Champions Awards

Date: October 05, 2023

For Immediate Release
October 5, 2023                                                                                                                                                                                              

Washington, DC, October 5, 2023 – On Thursday, October 5, at the 2023 Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Carlsberg Group and Kimberly-Clark Corporation were presented with the first Global Industrial Water Reuse Champions Awards.

The Global Industrial Water Reuse Champions Awards recognize top companies that incorporate best-in-class water recycling and reuse programs to improve water stewardship and achieve their water management goals. As drought and other water challenges compound worldwide, water reuse offers an important tool to help the business community do their part in contributing to sound water management and creating new water supplies.

On behalf of the organizing partners, WateReuse Association Executive Director Patricia Sinicropi presented the awards to these two water rese leaders:

  • Carlsberg Group – At their flagship brewery in Fredericia, Denmark, Carlsberg Group reduced water consumption by 500,000 cubic meters per year and virtually eliminated wastewater in its brewing operations. The plant uses Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis technology and also uses byproduct biogas to help heat onsite facilities.
  • Kimberly-Clark Corporation – In 2022, Kimberly-Clark achieved over 40% reduction of water consumption in its manufacturing sites located in water-stressed areas against our 2015 baseline. KCC is on track to meet or exceed its goal of a 50% water footprint reduction by 2030. KCC has employed water recycling and enhanced water systems management at multiple manufacturing plants.

The awardees will also be honored during an event at the COP 28 international climate convention in Dubai later this year.


U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Chuck Chaitovitz | cchaitovitz@uschamber.com

WateReuse Association
Ben Glickstein | bglickstein@watereuse.org | 978-290-3164

The Water Center at the University of Pennsylvania
Brenton McCloskey | brentonm@sas.upenn.edu | 215-898-2786

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
Kalia Farrell | kalia.farrell@veolia.com | 267-347-2340

International Desalination Association
Shannon McCarthy | smccarthy@idadesal.org | 978-626-2890

The Global Industrial Water Reuse Champions Award program was developed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, WateReuse Association, Veolia, The Water Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and the International Desalination Association as part of the National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP), a multi-stakeholder effort led by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to advance the science, policy, research, communications and more supporting water reuse and recycling.

Water recycling, or water reuse, is the sustainable treatment and use of water multiple times within our communities. Water can be captured from our homes and businesses, as well as from rain and saltwater, and can be cleaned with modern technologies for purposes including industrial cooling, environmental restoration, irrigation, and drinking.

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