Home\California\California Takes Next Key Step: Implementing Direct Potable Reuse

California Takes Next Key Step: Implementing Direct Potable Reuse

Date: August 12, 2024

For Immediate Release

Sacramento, CA – Following years of research, collaboration, and public engagement, California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved OAL File No. 2024-0624-02S – the Direct Potable Reuse Regulations – and filed with the Secretary of State on August 6, 2024. This is the next critical step in the evolution of using recycled water as a safe and reliable water supply for Californians. The regulations will take effect on October 1, 2024.

Direct potable reuse is a practice which uses multiple phases of proven advanced water treatment technology to transform recycled water into safe, reliable purified water, for blending directly into a community’s existing drinking water system.

California is a pioneer in purifying recycled water for use in drinking systems. In the 1960’s, the Montebello Forebay Ground Water Recharge Project in Los Angeles made history by recharging a drinking water aquifer with purified recycled water. Today, communities across the state use purified water to recharge groundwater, reservoirs, and rivers, in a practice known as indirect potable reuse. The new regulations create additional flexibility by allowing advanced purified water to be added directly into drinking water systems where it isn’t feasible to first blend it into a larger body.

“WateReuse California commends the State Water Resources Control Board on working with OAL to reach the next regulatory milestone that ensures public health while providing a vital new source water tool for California’s sustainable water future,” said David Pedersen, General Manager of the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District and President of WateReuse California. “WateReuse California has collaborated with the Water Board and countless stakeholders for over a decade to reach this important moment. This is a critical component of the Governor’s Water Supply Strategy.”

“This moves us a step closer to a new era of water reuse, making it possible for more communities across California to benefit from an abundant, safe, resilient, and local water supply, and serving as an example to other states” said Patricia Sinicropi, Executive Director of the WateReuse Association.

“These new regulations are a tremendous step forward as we develop Pure Water Southern California, which will be one of the largest recycled water facilities in the world and benefit 19 million people in our service area,” said Deven Upadhyay, Interim General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Vice President of the WateReuse Association. “Pursuing direct potable reuse for a portion of the supplies produced at our Pure Water facility will allow us to better manage the weather extremes we face from a changing climate. This is a critical new resource, and these regulations make public health the top priority.”


Brenley McKenna, Managing Director, WateReuse California
bmckenna@watereuse.org | 916-955-0568

Zachary Dorsey, Director of Programs, WateReuse Association
zdorsey@watereuse.org | 571-445-5505


The WateReuse Association is the nation’s only trade association solely dedicated to advancing laws, policy, funding, and public acceptance of recycled water. WateReuse California is a state section of WateReuse Association. Our membership includes utilities that recycle water, businesses that support the development of recycled water projects, and consumers of recycled water.

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