
Design or redesign a landscape

Estimate the water needs of landscape plants

Determining a factor for landscape plants other than turfgrasses, part 1: Research-based approach

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Research-Based plant adjustment factor (KL) for trees, shrubs, vines, and ground covers*

Plant Factor (KL)
Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' (compact strawberry tree) 0.18 to 0.36
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Pacific Mist' (bearberry) 0.18 to 0.36
Artemisia 'Powis Castle' (workwood) 0 to 0.36
Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks' (Twin Peaks coyote bush) 0.20
Calliandra haematocephala (pink powder puff) 0.18 to 0.36
Cassia artemisiodes (feathery cassia) 0 to 0.36
Cerastium tomentosum 0.25
Cistus x purpureus (orchid spot rock rose) 0 to 0.36
Correa alba 'Ivory Bells' (white Australian correa) 0.18 to 0.36
Drosanthemum hispidum (pink iceplant) 0.20
Echium fastuosum (pride of Madeira) 0 to 0.36
Escallonia x exoniensis 'Fradessii' (Frades escallonia) 0.18 to 0.36
Ficus microcarpa nitida 0.20
Galvezia speciosa (bush snapdragon) 0 to 0.36
Gazania hybrida 0.25 to 0.50
Gazania rigens v. leucolaena 'Yellow Cascade' (trailing gazania) 0.50 to 0.80
Grevillea 'Noelli' 0 to 0.36
Hedera helix 'Needlepoint' (Needlepoint English ivy) 0.20 to 0.30
Heteromeles arbutifolia (toyon) 0 to 0.36
Hibiscua rosa-sinensis (rose of China) 0.40 to 0.30
Lantana montevidensis (trailing lantana) 0.18 to 0.36
Leptospermum scoparium (New Zealand tea tree) 0.18 to 0.36
Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' (Texas ranger) 0 to 0.36
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' (Texas privet) 0.40 to 0.60
Liquidambar styraciflua 0.20
Myoporum 'Pacificum' (prostrate myoporum) 0 to 0.36
Otatea acuminata (Mexican bamboo) 0.18 to 0.36
Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax) 0.18 to 0.36
Pittosporum tobira (mock orange) 0.18 to 0.36
Potentilla tabernaemontanii (spring cinquefoil) 0.70 to 0.80
Prunus caroliniana (carolina laurel cherry) 0 to 0.36
Pyracantha koidzumii 'Santa Cruz' (firethorn) 0 to 0.36
Quercus ilex 0.20
Rhaphiolepis indica (indian hawthorne) 0.18 to 0.36
Sedum acre 0.25
Teucrium chamaedrys (germander) 0.18 to 0.36
Vinca major (periwinkle; myrtle) 0.30 to 0.40
Westringia rosamarinaformis (rosemary bush) 0.18 to 0.36
Xylosma congestum (shiny xylosma) 0.18 to 0.36

* Research-determined percentages of the reference evapotranspiration, expressed as fractions. Adapted from Hartin and Meyer 1991, Pittenger et al. 1990, Pittenger et al. 2001, Shaw and Pittenger 2004, and Staats and Klett 1995.

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